Ekrem İmamoğlu

Ekrem İmamoğlu

A few days ago some Azerbaijani web-sites reported that a head of Istanbul municipality, Ekrem Imamoglu has deported on mass scale natives of Nakhchivan, citizens of the Azerbaijani Republic.

In words of my friend Ahmet Nesin, a younger son of world famous writer Aziz Nesin (his books has 110-million printed copies in 110 languages), gave media such hot that even Azerbaijan editions of 70-year old western mass media have gladly involved in the topic of deportation. However, they promptly quieted down after it proved to be vulgar misinformation. By the way, of interest here is not misinformation but a form of its presenration, to be exact, tragicomic inability to communicate it.

Before focusing on the subject, it"d be appropriate to consider another another aspect of the matter. The point is that there is not a single independent media structure in today"s Azerbaijani mass media, except for 1-2 structures.

It is well known that even ads are distributed on order from above, so all structures, except for 1-2, are strongly regulated, sometimes weakened. For this reason, a heading "Imamogly is deporting Nakhchivanians" has to be considered from this point of view. True, some questions arise here:

1)Not without reason, there are certain groups of people both in Turkey and Azerbaijan that take no liking to Ekrem Imamoglu. However, as distinct from Turkey, some people in Azerbaijan see no grounds to support Turkish pliticians or oppose them.

The question is that Baku has no politics ideology but there are sites using intrigues and blackmail and financed by 1-2 centers. In considering that economic interests are based on philosophy of "misappropriating as much property as possible", it is obvious that blackmailing, threatening and intimidating are permanently used by these sites. For this reason, before circulating news titled "Imamogly is deporting Nakhchivanians", these sites were to clarify powers of municipality heads of Turkey, especially as are they empowered to "deport" anybody ?

2)It is the responsibility of courts only to deport foreign citizens. A person sustect of violating law is taken under surveillance of police on sanction of prosecutor"s office and brought to court after state of the evidence. If the court makes sure that prosecutor office" accusations are right and based on facts, it makes a decision on deportation of a foreign citizen; otherwise, the latter is released. Have municipalities ant relation to the fact that the Azerbaijani sites spread information that Imamoglu is allegedly deporting Nakhchivanians?

3)Who is behind this: forces pursuing common interests with Turkish authorities or forces in the government of Azerbaijan? Or ideologically-minded against the main opposition party with Imamoglu as member thereof or marginal groups most of which are financed by foreign states and specialized in talking slanderously about secular regime in Turkey?

Maybe, the point is about some groups that lost their subsidies granted by Istanbul municipality and are currently seeking to avail of Azerbaijan as its base. Perhaps, in doing so, they are confident that the latter is sure to operate as an effective sprinboard for blackmailing Ekrem Imamogly?

Can some creative persons of Azerbaijani origin (in Turkey and Azerbaijan) whose life and world outlook are radically different from political trend, be organizers and inspirers of blackmail campaign? It seems that following Ekrem Imamoglu" advent, they have lost or about to lose sources of their income.

It should be remembered that today"s world mass media seem to have turned into categorical force, imperative means of democracy and human rights, transparency and fairness. Mass media creators in Azerbaijan seem to take the situation wrongly believing it to be an imperative method of pressure, blackmail and obscurantism

It is not astonishing, and an eloquent testimony to this is "Imamogly is deporting Nakhchivanians".

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