Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/05.08.22/Turan: All and sundry are busy searching for the organizers of yesterday's attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in London. Those who consider themselves experts and analysts list Iran, Russia, and even the British secret services in the list of "customers".

Initially, the Iranian trail seemed the most real, until they remembered that the members of the “Union of Servants of the Mahdi” who attacked the embassy are an anti-Iranian organization and its leader Yasser al-Habib, the personal enemy of the supreme ruler of Iran, Ali Khamnei. That is why, a few years ago, the same group attacked the Iranian embassy in London.

Who could have ordered this radical Shiite organization to attack?

It can be assumed that the initiative came from Tehran's agents embedded in the organization, but we should not forget that there is no democracy in such structures, and such decisions are made only by its leader.

The version that the Shiites in London decided to come out in defense of the persecuted Shiites in Azerbaijan on their own initiative has the right to exist. The investigation will show if this version is justified.

As for the version about the involvement of the British side, London has no motives to organize such an action. This would mean jeopardizing the huge economic and political interests of Great Britain in Azerbaijan.

In addition, in London now there is actually no government, and no one could give such an instruction to the secret services. The possibility that such an action was the initiative of the chiefs of MI-5 (counterintelligence) or Mİ-6 (intelligence) themselves is excluded. Britain is not Latin America, where every colonel fancies himself the leader of the country.

The allegations that British counterintelligence could not have been unaware of the action are also unsubstantiated. The strict hierarchy and closeness of radical organizations makes a leak unlikely, although it does not rule it out. Another question is why do such organizations exist and operate in the UK? This issue is relevant especially given the fact that the "Servants of the Mahdi" have already attacked the Iranian embassy in the past. The sluggish reaction of the police is also not clear, which, judging by the video footage, “released” the embassy rather delicately.

A few years ago, British counterintelligence announced the recruitment of employees who speak Arabic. At the same time, it was openly stated that this was necessary to control the radical religious circles that have bred throughout the country. Apparently, the set was insufficient.

It is also not clear how the British legislation allows radical religious groups to operate so freely and with impunity. This is especially strange given the number of terrorist attacks in various years, which resulted in numerous casualties among ordinary British citizens.--02B--

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