Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

The facts of pedophilia in patriarchal Azerbaijan do not decrease, despite attempts by the state to tighten punishment, conduct educational work. According to the official data of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children, compared to 2014 there is no increase in the number of violence against minors, the number of these crimes decreased from 198 to 196.

There can be more crimes against children. Taking into account the conservatism of society, many parents, fearing publicity, do not appeal to law enforcement. However, sometimes the terrible facts of pedophilia nevertheless come to the surface and always cause a wide resonance, just in the case with a pupil of the 7th grade living in the region of Lerik, who according to unofficial information, was abused by a 24-year-old a fellow, a relative of a regional bureaucrat, who made a video of this.

Some residents of the region say that the girl is pregnant. The blatant incident caused a sharp reaction from the public, but the victim's own father almost immediately announced that he had no complaints against the rapist, and the guy was not at all a rapist, and his daughter will marry him when she reaches 18 years old. The public immediately split - someone blamed the father, someone felt sorry for him, saying that he was forced to say so, but almost all three thousand people who signed the petition agreed on one thing: the girl should be taken away from the family and the state should be responsible for her, in addition, it is necessary to objectively investigate this crime and punish the perpetrators.

In general, the public is right, stating that it is impossible to leave a child in such a family, which is going to marry the girl to a rapist, without asking if she wants to live with him, and without thinking about her future, because the life and fragile psyche of the girl are broken.

Now the goal of the girl's family is to wash the shame, maybe even at the price of her life, so that no one point a finger or condemn her. Medieval thinking still thrives in the minds of the majority, and this family is no exception, and the root of the problem is much deeper. In the country, pedophilia is still flourishing by the consent of those who are responsible for minors, and with the silent connivance of the bodies obliged to stop this.

It's no secret that in the regions of the country, and especially in the southern part, early marriages are popular. Most of them are forced by parents, and the age of brides often does not exceed 14-15 years. According to official statistics, an average of 3,500 children are born in Azerbaijan every year among mothers aged 15-17 years. Most of such families divorce, women from such families are victims of domestic violence, many commit a suicide. There is no exact statistics, but there is a daily news bulletin, full of blatant facts.

According to the Family Code of the country, the age limit for marriage is 18 years, for both men and women. Moreover, forcing marriage is criminally responsible. If the girl forced to cohabitation (it cannot be called a marrige) does not reach the minimum age for the creation of the family, then the guilty persons will be sentenced to pay a fine of 3000-4000 manats, or sentenced to imprisonment for up to 4 years. In most cases, and especially in the regions, this law does not work. Parents agree among themselves, make a wedding, move the bride to the home of the groom, who is often older at least by 10 years. Almost everyone turns a blind eye to such an act of pedophilia - hundreds of guests at the wedding, neighbors, local authorities. Here, tradition plays a role, after all, from generation to generation, many families were created just like that, and traditions and customs in the local sense are sacred, and they ignore all codes. A huge role plays the economic factor, parents with many children are simply trying to get rid of some children because it is difficult to feed them. True, sometimes lawsuits are filed in case of early marriages, but the number of cases does not correspond to the number of marriages. For example, in 2015, only 52 lawsuits were considered.

Numerous and long-term seminars in the regions, educational activities are futile. The connivance of the society, not the interference of law enforcement and local authorities, schools only contribute to the prosperity of pedophilia by agreement.

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