- İqtisadiyyat
- 2 İyul 2012, 17:33
- 168
Approved environmental classification of vehicles
The State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents (SCSMP) approved on July 2 three state standards governing the requirements for certification of motor vehicles and their engines in accordance with environmental regulations. The standards will come into force on 1st August, but in terms of third-class environment (Euro 3) standards will take effect upon approval by the Cabinet of Ministers.
SCSMP told Turan that, depending on the level of emissions, vehicles are classified into 6 groups. Environmental class of car is determined by one of the following documents:
- Notice of Approval of the type of vehicle and its engine under the rules of AZS ECE 49, 83, 96;
- Type approval of motor vehicle;
- Certificate of conformity;
- Passport of the vehicle chassis.
Note that the ecological standard on emissions of harmful substances in Azerbaijan is determined depending on the country of the manufacturer and the year's vehicle models. For example, the standard for the Euro 3 vehicles from the European Union meets the 2001-2004 models. Cars from Russia could be delivered, if they were produced not before 2008.
The Euro 2 standard in Azerbaijan came into force on 1 July 2010. - 08D-
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