Provocateurs tried to disrupt the meeting in support of Gasanli
Baku/06.10.13/Turan : A group of provocateurs tried to disrupt the propaganda meeting in support of the presidential candidate of the National Council of Democratic Forces ( NCDF) Jamil Gasanli in the Baku Cinema the evening of October 5.
The meeting was held with youth in support of Gasanli. However, even before the start of the meeting the hall was infiltrated by a group of provocateurs who, shouting slogans against Gasanli, tried to prevent the holding of the event.
After the organizers and participants of the meeting insisted, the police withdrew the provocateurs from the hall.
However, they soon reappeared and tried to arrange a fight with the participants of the meeting. After the violent protests of the hall, police officers removed the provocateurs.
Gasanli himself did not participate in the meeting to attend another meeting in Sumgait . -06D
- Siyasət
- 6 Oktyabr 2013 21:43
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