Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

The shortage of water for irrigation in recent years creates very serious problems for the production of agricultural products. Although irrigation agriculture existed in Azerbaijan since ancient times, nevertheless, attention to this industry increased at the beginning of the last century.

In the Soviet years, the first irrigation system was established in 1925, and covered 510 thousand hectares of planted area. Investments in the irrigation system of Azerbaijan during the Soviet period during 1928-1937 increased from 7 million 200 thousand manat to 30 million 700 thousand manat, having increased more than 4 times.

The main trunk canals, which are now on the balance sheet of JSC Melioration and Water Management, were built during the Soviet era. Thus, the Nagorno-Karabakh and Upper Shirvan canals were commissioned in 1958, Samur-Absheron in 1940, the Main Mughan Canal in 1960, and the Main Channel in 1976.

The water resource of Azerbaijan is 32 billion cubic meters. 70% of them are formed at the expense of water from neighboring countries, and 30% are formed inside the country. The volume of irrigated area is 1.4 million hectares. The growth of the population of the country and the growing demand causes the expansion of the area of ​​irrigated land. The existing resources make it possible to increase the irrigated area to 4 million hectares. However, this process is hindered by existing and unresolved problems in this area and inefficient use of water resources. In this case, the expansion of irrigated areas will open the way to even greater losses of water.

The data of the State Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan show that in terms of water loss Azerbaijan is in the first place among the CIS countries - 31%. Loss of water in other CIS countries is 22% in Armenia, 15% in Kazakhstan, 14% in Ukraine, 11% in Russia, 7% in Moldova, and 5% in Belarus.

Unfortunately, Azerbaijan cannot effectively use its water resources. The process of collecting rainwater is not organized in the country. After all, it is possible to organize the collection of rainwater and part of the water during the formation of the high water content of rivers, and then use it for irrigation or as drinking water. The existing reservoirs and lakes have been seized by the oligarchs using them for other purposes. Access to these water bodies for farmers and rural residents is limited. And the inter-farm reservoirs that have remained since Soviet times have failed, since they have not been repaired for a long time and have come to an unfit state.

According to the forecasts of the World Resources Institute (WRI), until 2040, 20% of the world's countries will have a water problem, as climate change disturbs the frequency of precipitation, and population growth increases the demand for water. In the report submitted by WRI, among the countries that may face drought, there is Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan occupies the 18th place in the list of 33 countries. Finding our country in the middle of the list does not mean that we will experience the same problems during the low water period. The problem is that in the country the water resources exceed the need 8-9 times, but the need for irrigation is not satisfied. The danger of the 18th place, which Azerbaijan took on this list, is that the water losses in the country are very high.

As noted, the lack of fresh water in the world is becoming an urgent problem. Some countries have been able to solve the problem of preventing wastage of water during irrigation. At the end of the last century, Israel used 1.24 billion cubic meters of irrigation water. However, as a result of the efforts of the government of the country in subsequent years, it has been possible to increase the efficiency of water consumption with the use of modern technologies. So, in recent years, they have been able to reduce consumption to 1.12 billion cubic meters. Israel, using only as much water for irrigation, not only satisfied the demand of the population for foodstuffs by 95% at the expense of domestic production, but also established a large number of exports of agricultural and food products.

Imagine that the volume of water collected from natural sources in Azerbaijan is 12.50 billion cubic meters, and in Israel it is 1.12 billion cubic meters. The sown area in Israel in comparison with Azerbaijan is 4 times less, and this country uses 10 times less water for irrigation. Nevertheless, according to international norms, this country provides its population with food products by 95%, and annually exports agricultural products worth $ 1.5 million. Azerbaijan, which has very large resources in comparison with Israel, produces half the food products per capita and also exports half of the food products.

In the documents prepared and accepted by the government, we see a statement of the facts and the above-mentioned problems. Despite the fact that more than 20 years have passed since the liquidation of the Soviet economic system - collective farms and state farms, those responsible for this industry and preparing government documents are trying to emphasize that the existing problems are a relic of that time. On December 6, 2016, the Strategic Road Map on the Production and Processing of Agricultural Products in the Republic of Azerbaijan, approved by the decree of President Ilham Aliyev, states that "81.5% of the irrigation canals currently in use, 77% of the collector-drainage network and 72% of hydraulic structures are on-farm facilities, which were on the balance of collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises, and their technical and physical condition needs a large-scale transformation."

In the still approved by President Heydar Aliyev dated March 2, 2001, under the number 640 Food Security Program of the Republic of Azerbaijan it was noted that "in Azerbaijan, 90% of the crop lands are irrigated. The country's water reserves are estimated at 31.2 billion cubic meters. Of these, about 12 billion cubic meters are used for irrigation. That is, 1.45 million hectares of land under irrigation are irrigated." In the same decree of President Ilham Aliyev on December 6, 2016, the Strategic Roadmap for the Production and Processing of Agricultural Products, the same situation is characterized as follows: "At present, the area of ​​irrigated land is 1.43 million ha. Despite the fact that 15 years have passed, the document reflects the fact of the reduction of the irrigated area. During that period, another indicator remained unchanged. Thus, in the Food Product Safety Program of the Republic of Azerbaijan approved in 2001, it is said that the total water shortage in ordinary years is 3.7 billion cubic meters, and in dry years it is 4.75 billion cubic meters. In the Strategic Roadmap approved by the President in 2016 and information published on the website of the Melioration and Water Management Company, it is confirmed that "currently the average monthly water shortage in the republic is 3.7 billion cubic meters, and in dry years it is 4.75 billion cubic meters". As can be seen, the problem identified in 2001 did not find its solution even after so many years. This means that the situation in this area does not change for the better, but, on the contrary, it worsens. And this is despite the fact that, as noted in the Program for the period 1998-2000, "with the aim of implementing measures for recovery, the Islamic Development Bank, the World Bank, the Government of Japan, the European Commission and other international donor organizations, as well as the state budget, allocated hundreds of millions."

The Strategic Roadmap for the Production and Processing of Agricultural Products provided for increasing the provision of producers with irrigation water by 20%. However strange it may seem, the aims are tried to be achieved "by creating conditions for the activity of international development funds". Another document, entitled State Program of Social and Economic Development of the Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the Period 2014-2018, provides for the continuation of measures to improve land reclamation and irrigation in agriculture. Despite the fact that until the end of the program there are 6 months, in the regions the supply of irrigation water has worsened even more. This year, production of vegetables, fruits and melons decreased due to water shortage. And this is despite the fact that at the Cabinet meeting on the results of the first half of 2018, the Chairman of the Melioration and Water Supply Department said in his speech that "as of July 2, 2018, in the reservoirs of the republic, over 15 billion cubic meters of water have been collected. On July 1, agricultural plants on the area of ​​1 million 382 thousand hectares were irrigated on average about two times." This fact indicates that there are serious problems in this area.

Another problem is the absence of a single coordinating center for water management in the country. In this field, certain functions are carried out by the Ministry of Ecology, the Ministry for Emergency Situations, Azerenergy, and the Melioration and Water Management Company.

Measures to Solve Problems in This Direction:

* Preparation of a special state program to improve the water management system

* Ensuring coordination of water management from a single center

* Organization of water delivery to sown areas through metal and plastic pipes for regular irrigation of crops without loss of water

* Ensuring a normal system of watering crops, preventing water losses, using progressive irrigation technologies for this purpose on all farms.


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