The organizers of this campaign #know the traitor# should be held accountable

A campaign with the hashtags #support my state#and #know the traitor# has been launched  on social networks  recently. This campaign showed that in the uncertain situation that arose after the recent events on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border, many pro-government people are ready to support any steps of the state. At the same time, people speaking from different positions, who fear Azerbaijan's invasion of Armenia, are branded as traitors.  The fact that  majority of pro-government persons  are invoved  in this campaign, raises the suspicion that representatives of the authorities are behind this campaign.

What are the consequences of such a division?

Human rights activist Samir Kazymly shared his thoughts on this topic with ASTNA.

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Question: You are probably aware of the hashtags #I support my state# and #know the traitor# that have appeared on social networks. These hashtags are mainly used by pro-government people, and this raises suspicions that the government is behind this and orders it. What do you think is the purpose of this?

Answer: This is a very bad and terrible trend. In the explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language, one of the meanings of the word "traitor" is one who betrays his homeland, people, traitor, traitor, apostate. High treason is indicated in the Article 274 of the Criminal Code as a specific criminal act of Azerbaijan (Treason to the state). But calling people criminals without a court order is also a violation of the presumption of innocence.

It is also a kind of pressure and blackmail against people who think differently and criticize the authorities. Such campaigns are a means to silence people. The Azerbaijani authorities are intolerant of dissent and criticism, so they are steadily pursuing a policy of restricting freedom of speech. All this, including the campaign that was launched on social networks, is a gross violation of human rights. The duty of the state is to prevent such situations and hold accountable those who started, organized and carried out this campaign. Because it is a violation of the law. And the state should prevent this. But, apparently, those who started and implemented this campaign do it without the slightest hesitation, and the relevant state structures take the position of observers. Because of this, the likelihood that the government is behind this campaign is increasing. On the other hand, the authorities have carried out similar campaigns before against their political opponents and people with different and critical views. This is one factor that makes it more likely that the government is behind this campaign.

Question: Do you think such steps split the people? What could be the consequences of this?

Answer: Since the activities of independent media are limited in the country, the authorities are reducing platforms for expressing the opinions of people with alternative views. In addition, there is no open discussion atmosphere in the country. In these circumstances, persons accused of treason may face certain difficulties in conveying their views to society. In a society in which education and enlightenment has been in a deplorable state for 30 years, there may be people who believe that these people are really traitors. This can lead to negative phenomena.

Our country has just come out of the war and there is currently tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan. There are many people who lost their sons and loved ones in the war. At the same time, there are war veterans who have lost their health. Such campaigns in such a society can cause conflict between citizens and this can have serious consequences. Therefore, the state must immediately intervene and stop this campaign, bring those who started this campaign and those who participated in it to justice. Otherwise, the responsibility for possible unpleasant situations will also fall on the authorities.

Question: Why is the situation related to the processes taking place on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border not fully explained to citizens? Are such steps being taken against people who are concerned about the situation and have a different opinion?

Answer: Because the government does not consider itself accountable to citizens. Another reason is poor management. In order to hide problems and shortcomings, people are either not given the necessary information, or they are given false information. People with a different and critical mindset, because they oppose these government policies, are pressured and threatened in various ways.

Question: What should be done to avoid such unpleasant situations?

Answer: As a first step, the state should intervene, prevent such campaigns, and those who do this should be held accountable under the Law. To prevent such situations in the future, the state should take real steps to ensure human rights and freedoms in the country. Normal conditions should be created for the activities of civil society, independent media and opposition political parties, no one should be subjected to pressure and persecution because of their political views and critical views.

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