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It ought to be noted that professionalism is characteristic for all branches of human activity as a means of commanding respect to any specialty. It arises from labor activity based on "...high skills, profound mastery, qualitative and professional performance of duty".
At present, a professional in country"s economy is in need of basic knowledge (school, vocational school, college, university, post-graduate courses, probation period, etc.) to secure quality and demand for work.
To appearance, the above-mentioned matters most in terms of adequate skills, inspiration and love for profession selected. A man needs time (length of service) to master his profession, evaluate his knowledge and experience that ripens gradually, sequentially and permanently. Obviously, years of work, diligence, fervor, aspiration and finally wisdom are required to attain professionalism.https://www.astna.biz/ext/news/2019/4/free/pol-social/ru/708.htm
It should be added that it"d be insufficient to rely on yourself; on your skills and fervor only ignoring habitat (time, place and conditions). True, it is believed that skills are also dependent upon personal qualities of human nature, including naturalness, freedom and diligence, not favoritism and services to anybody. The point is that great successes are rarely achieved if one acts single-handedly: a work collective is required even for an indisputable winner.
I"ve repeatedly dealt with philosophy of telecommunications (on accessibility for all communication sector consumers), so a question arises: why cannot thoughts above be applied to all country"s economy and public structures as a whole with the framework of relations between power (functionary) and citizen (consumer-country"s master).
Beyond any doubt, the most import thing for any sector of economy is a man-expert meant to rise above a functionary-overseer. It is evident where "not man-expert for functionary" but instead "a functionary for a man-expert" as a basic philosophy for all public institutions of the country without exception.
Provided that our citizen is a master of the country and the power structure with its bureaucratic horde is a servant of our people, it transpires that the whole sphere of services is designed for us - masters of our country (consumers).
Then a question arises: why does everything occur "as always"? It is obvious that changes are brewing; otherwise Azerbaijan remains to be a state of violence and obscurantism, intolerance and cruelty, lawlessness and voluntarism caused by our officialdomhttps://www.astna.biz/ext/news/2019/7/subsc/pol-social/ru/862.htm.
But, perhaps, that is not the question: we do not appreciate of cadres subordinated to unskillful public officers from various sectors?
Beyond any doubt, a professional-expert is not in need of power (he is not functionary), he needs no dithyrambs, honors and "hat" (obligatory for officialdom). But what about poor specialists forced to work under the direction of public officers practically unrelated to their specialties?
By the way, a total number of communication workers in the first years of Azerbaijani independence (in 1992) made up nearly 25, 000 (a figure for public officers engaged in the Ministry of Communication apparatus stood at 100) while communication technologies were fully electromechanical. At present, a number of those engaged in the communication sector is down one third (we live in ICT epoch), so we are completing digitalization of the communication sector (with no allowance for Karabakh lands though).
For instance, a level of telecommunication maturity of any country worldwide (irrespective of a level of state"s maturity) is evaluated, on recommendation of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), not on the number of mobile telephones of the country but the number of fixed (traditional) telephone sets per 100 country"s residents, the so-called telephone density". According to statistical data, a figure for Azerbaijan stands at 20 telephone sets per 100 residents (as of 2016), and we are ranked seventh among 11 CIS countries (http://www.rcc.org.ru/).
It is obvious that no production, enterprise, business, science, culture and education is possible without communication sector. Also, world telephone networks number millions TA (tens of millions in developed countries) plus mobile communication networks which is much higher in some countries (up ten times) than fixed (basic) telephone communication.
But why then did we experience dishonor of autumn- 2015? Why are we still under effect of this collapse for four years (in manats)?
Worthy of note is the fact that from technology standpoint, just the first stage (hand-operated telephone stations) out of nearly 138-year old history of telephone development in Azerbaijan (since December 6, 1881) embraced above 60 years (these stations are presently used in armed forces only), other stages - machine system stations, decade-step, coordinate, quasi-electronic, electronic (digital) systems and, finally, stations of next generation-NGN networks proceeded quicker, as well as high technology NGN-product.
What a pity that none of the said technologies have been produced in Azerbaijan!
Yes, during the Soviets, cadres had something in social aspect (perhaps, education is meant even despite the fact that in the 1930s education in Azerbaijan came from the Latin to the Cyrillic alphabet) and that we are the Moslem Republic was obvious from attitude toward our Transcaucasian neighbors (for some reason they were not translated into the Cyrillic alphabet), to say nothing of advantages of other Slavic and Baltic countries). Instead, our oilers discovered the second Baku - Volgo-Ural oil and gas region, then the third Baku - Siberian.
An English proverb says that "the history repeats itself", and I hope that this time Azerbaijan will be able to change from a status of developing country into the one of world"s developed countries. Contributing to this is professionalism in all sectors of economy, including the communication sector based on sectoral institutions and telecommunication producers.
It is worth reminding that for a period of 27 years the cadre problems of Azerbaijan added up to public officers" tenure of office together with their entourage, without any ideas, institutions (training, scientific-research, design) and producers (plants and factories).
A question arises: How many institutions are there in petrochemical branch of the country? And counter-question: Why does not communication sector have institutions of this kind?
It is believed that all problems typical for country"s economy are meant to be resolved by those earlier non-admitted to the branches in question and whose opinions had for decades been ignored, including mass media. It is probably nepotism and clannishness in country"s management that wore out potentialities of Azerbaijan and turned our country into outcast both in the eyes of native people and the West. All these must have caused autumn 2015 developments.
It is evident that serious technical projects, overhauls and necessary amendments in our country are carried out by foreign specialists. Beyond any doubt, the branches involved have to pay more for project implementation as compared to local specialists. Also, these projects provide no training of local engineers to replace foreigners.
When training cadres for economy development it is essential to rely on national cadres, and upper echelons of power realize this necessity as saying "we feel the need in properly trained cadres..." (http://minval.az/news/66185).
In the meantime, our former public officers assert the following: "In what country and under what government is it possible to hold one and the same post for 23 years? Where on earth have you seen anything like it in the history? "https://haqqin.az/news/142766
A paradigm of approach to management sectors of Azerbaijani economy is meant to ensure continuity of the development of science, technological institutions, production and training of specialist for all branches of national economy.
In so doing, we must have neglected some important aspects of these sectors" development, creation of national sectoral producers, as well as sectoral or independent institute (university) to train national cadres. In the meantime, functioning of sectoral or independent institutions (educational, scientific-research and design) in other branches would help us training high quality specialists to comply with basic principles as was in petrochemical industry of azerbaijan.
It should be recognized that we need protectionist cadre policy in all branches of Azerbaijani economy, realistic statistics and accounting of training and retraining of cadres to be kept by the above-mentioned specialized sectoral institutions.
It should be remembered that a priority cadre task of country"s economy is to carry out the restructuring of management systems of all levels of economy of Azerbaijan and identify appropriate cadres to start working all levels of economy. In the meanwhile, cadres and scientific potentiality is a basis of active development of any branch.
As for us, we failed to implement a decree of the President of the country on the foundation of the University of information technologies (http://www.1news.az/chronicle/20130201070925638.html 01.02.2013). Note that initially it was not clear if the University would be sectoral (under the Ministry of Communication), include a chair in communication and ICT of other technical institutions of Azerbaijan, and would a new University include training, design and research centers, etc.
It should be borne in mind that any sector of economy calls for 4-stage cycle: education - science - production - operation which is required to have a high rating among developed countries. As is known, today a great number of specialists is required to be used in various sectors of production and services, so it is topical to restructure and retrain specialists for their further use in other branches and sectors of economy.
For example, the best way for vocational guidance could be the Azerbaijani Telecommunication Training Center (ATTC) set up in 1998 (Project-TNAZ 9601amouting to $1million) in line with the EC TACIS program under the Azerbaijani Technological University with the participation of the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies (MTCHT). However, 17 years later mass media report that a training center "Electronic government" Ltd. has been set up to operate in keeping with self-financing principle(?). It is rather astonishing because there is already operating a training structure of the same sort - Telecommunication center under the TACIS program (http://www.trend.az/business/it/2471800.html).
Hence, we need continuity in training and retraining of cadres for all sectors of country"s economy with due regard for renovation and restructuring of Azerbaijani branches, not duplicating them. In accordance with continuity law, professionals are meant to be exploited in good faith!
In all probability, we start realizing pernicious principles based on "Baş Üstə", so it is no mere coincidence that the authorities insist that"...cadre reforms are pursuing this purpose. Also, structural transformations are expected to take place. A reason is that the current management system has become antiquated, and a new management system is required, more flexible, more compact, more expedient ..." https://haqqin.az/news/143103
However, our power structure is to face much more complex challenge of management system - monocracy where public officers turn into hostages of their own "vertical": those protecting and informing them; those preparing "correct" decisions and, finally, those carrying, feeding, giving drink, etc.
That was and is typical for all those serving monocracy (we know about it from the collapsed USSR) where the power peters out as hostage of self-caused terrific reality of country management (to be exact, mismanagement).
Yes, it"s a drama of power structure! http://minval.az/news/74493#sthash.6f8XkSe5.dpuf
It is fair to assume that in our case the changes in power by means of shifting off radical cadre reforms are much more valuable than a revolutionary change of authority structure by society.
Most significantly, much is dependent upon the ruling power; upon "system of country"s management"; upon personal professionalism of heads-public officers of branches; upon their views on economic problems. All the above is meant to remove deficiency in professional cadres, take the continuity into consideration and avoid driving them into production impasse. In so doing, declaration of "human capital" in Azerbaijan cannot be ignored either".
For this reason, "over four years the government of Azerbaijan has lost guidelines of permanent economic growth, information control over society, and as a consequence, faced with sharp rise in living standards, rollback of macro-indices and growing activity and resistance of society"http://www.turan.az/ext/news/2019/7/free/analytics/ru/120936.htm.
Perhaps, the truth about conditions of Azerbaijani economy cannot be my personal point of view; it is something open and transparent for all branches of Azerbaijani economy. Also, it is identical for all branches (living standards) while statistics uses a single language only and indicates the same thing.
Probably, it"d be unproductive to rely on our "slogan statistics" without inventory of sectors of Azerbaijani economy (together with annual open publication of this statistics) while country"s primary goal is to make inventory of cadres based on expertise of all decisions adopted. I wonder whether there has ever been a single inventory in a sphere of economy so that Azerbaijani public officers could have an idea of real situation in cadre policy of the country.
One must allow that our "...public officers, in an attempt to represent the state, want to become actors and hegemon of the given sphere " http://www.turan.az/ext/news/2019/8/free/economics%20news/ru/82792.htm
Most likely, ruling public officers are made of old Soviet guard and can work according to scenario aimed at stymieing any decisions of supreme bodies of Azerbaijan irrespective of significance of these directives for country"s future
Allowing for the above-stated, it is inadmissible to present an expert who seeks to tell the truth via mass media as anti-patriot or, even worse, "ultimate oppositionist". The point is that the sectoral analysis is not policy as such but just views of alternately minded specialists (as a basis of science as a whole).
To be oppositionist does not mean to be "enemy of people", as was in the USSR.
To my thinking, we are always in need of alternatives, and the West tends to build its democracy on alternatives and opposition approaches. Obviously, we confuse an opinion of functionary with public views. Granting this, it looks like a struggle between those acknowledging shortcomings of society or specific branches and going to remove them (patriots), and those seeking to conceal these shortcomings from upper echelons of power and ordinary people (pseudo-patriots).
Apparently, it is necessary to clean upper echelons from "cemented mentality" of bureaucrats who have cared nothing for whom to work. They are eager to derive money that has never been inventoried, monitored and audited.
That"s why all levels of power are interested in professional cadres!
The question is that our world has changed together with transformations of country"s management methods (for example, Trump"s election as US President).
At present, posts on sites of heads of government, particularly on their pages and "Instagram", have become reality in virtual management of persons and countries worldwide.
To all appearance, the point is about a digital management together with results of "digital breakup".
However, it is unproductive to rely on these "slogan-type lines and statistics" without appropriate details and explanations while initial date of these "slogan-type statistics" remain to be practically dangerous.
It has to be kept in mind that this digital management method seems to be identical to our ASAN-hidmat service.https://www.astna.biz/ext/news/2019/3/subsc/pol-parties/ru/696.htm
In all probability, database on everybody as set forth in "digital regimes of this sort" is menacing inviolability of private life and human rights in any country, especially in personnel selection, elections, referendums, mass media, etc.
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