ADB ready to support TAPI project

Asian Development Bank (ADB) is ready to provide technical and financial support to the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project, ADB Vice President Chzhan Ventsai said at the meeting with Turkmenistan President Gurbangulu Berdymohammadov in Ashgabad, reported Turkmenistan State News agency.

Ventsai emphasized importance of the TAPI project implementation, which is economically advantageous for all countries-partners of the region. ADB will act as a transaction advisor of TAPI project.

During the talks bank and financial sector, fuel-energy complex, transport and communications and electric energy have been mentioned among the priority directions, said the same source.

It has been also said at the meeting that ADB plans to provide support to small- and medium-size enterprises of Turkmenistan and the personnel training programs.

Turkmenistan President and his guest have expressed confidence that mutually beneficial partnership will further move forward.—0—

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