Azerbaijani Internet users in the top five of the most vulnerable in the world

In the ranking of countries, where users in July-September were most at risk of infection through the Internet, Azerbaijan won the "honorable" 5th place.

According to Kaspersky Lab, Tajikistan is in the first place, the second is Russia, then come Armenia and Kazakhstan. In general, the 12 most affected countries represent the CIS.

But the number of malware hosting sites (that spreads the virus) came to the fore Russia (23.2%), ahead of the traditional leader of the United States (20.3%). For the past three months significantly increased the share hosting, located in the Russian Federation (8.6%), while the share of hosting in the U.S. (-9.7%), which led to such a permutation. Also marked increase in malicious hosting sites in the Netherlands (5.8%), which, as in the last quarter, in third place. On the web resources that are located in the first three countries - Russia, the U.S., the Netherlands - for 60% of malicious content.

In the absence of action by the law enforcement agencies and hosters, this situation may persist for months.

Percentage of malicious programs distributed on web-sites of the country, has remained virtually unchanged in all other countries of the TOP 10 excluding the UK (-2.6%),

To assess the risk of infection through the Internet, which are computer users around the world, at the Laboratory have calculated how often during the quarter, users in each country faced a firing web antivirus. This figure is relatively objective and does not depend on the number of users of Kaspersky Security Network in the country.

Below is the table of the top twenty countries in which the July-September marked the highest risk of infection of computers via the Internet.


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