Export Growth Will Not Exceed 6%

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on October 6 approved the list of non-oil goods nomenclature for export, and the gains and rates on them. The list includes mainly agricultural good, processed products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (except vodka), silk fabrics, carpets, cotton clothing and shoes.

The coefficients are defined within 1, 1.5 and 2-fold export gain set up by the decree of the President on March 1 this year, i.e. 3% of the customs value of the goods.

According to the rules of receipt of export gain by entrepreneurs, it is paid at an appeal to the Ministry of Economy after the export of the goods. The Ministry of Economy considers the appeal within 10 days, after which the documents are directed for the payment to the Ministry of Finance.

State-owned companies as well as companies, where the state has primary share, will be unable to take advantage of these benefits. The export gain will not be received by companies that operate in the industrial and technological parks, either.

It should be noted that export gains will be issued for the following products: honey, figs, dried fruits, pomegranates, persimmons, pastries, canned fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, sauces and seasonings, etc.

Export gains will be paid for goods exported from March 1 this year. This mechanism will apply until 31 December 2020.    ------08D

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