Little Armenian fantasy

American TV host Larry King denied reports that he became a member of the Russian TV channel Russia Today. According to records on journalist's Facebook page (, information about the way of his cooperation with the RT has been distorted.

On these channels will actually go out of his program "Larry King Now", but transmission rights belong to him personally and he founded Ora TV. The program will also connect to the Internet portal of the television and video hosting Hulu.

"Of course, we did not hire Larry King or gave him a quota, or a work permit, and we are not his tax agent. We have signed an agreement under which Larry King in our studio will conduct televised. Exclusive," later commented on the situation in her account on Facebook the channel editor Margarita Simonyan.

The fact that Larry King - the legend of American television - will become the leading Russia Today, Simonyan officially announced on May 29.

In the years 1985-2010 King led the transfer of "Larry King Live", in which interviewed tens of thousands of people, including presidents and show business stars of the first magnitude. In 2012, the leading begun work on a new program - Larry King Now.

TV channel Russia Today, funded by the Russian government, broadcasts in different countries around the world since 2005 in English, Arabic and Spanish. - 17D-


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