Local production displaces imported salt
In the first quarter of this year Azerbaijan produced 7.1 thousand tons of salt, which is 6.2 % more than in the same period of 2013. In general, after the appearance of the Masazyr plant for salt with the refining capacity of 90 thousand tons per year in 2010, which corresponds to the annual demand for food and industrial salt, the production displaces local importers from the market.
According to the State Statistics Committee, in 2013, Azerbaijan produced 30.6 thousand tons of salt, 6.7% more than the year before. Structure of production by companies is not disclosed. Only in Nakhchivan was produced 2,966.9 tons of salt (+1 %). Compared with 2010 (11.6 thousand tons), salt production increased by 2.6 times.
Salt to Azerbaijan comes mostly from Ukraine, Turkey, Russia and other countries. Over the past 4 years the import of salt in Azerbaijan declined from 30.9 thsd tons (2010) to 16,220.4 tons.
Just last year, fixed imports fell by 7,283 tons. As in 2012, a kilogram of salt is declared at customs for 16 cents. Since 2007, Azerbaijan is also an exporter of salt, albeit in small quantities. Over the years , exports have grown about 4 times and in 2013 reached 1,837.1 tons. Last year, exports grew by 11 %. Azerbaijan salt listed on less than 2 cents (14 cents).
Over the years, the retail price of edible salt in Azerbaijan has grown considerably. If in 2005 a kilogram of salt was offered by 20-40 kopecks per 1 kg, now in the market the goods are sold for as low as 0.40 to 1.5 manats per 1 kg. While the market is getting rid of counterfeit and substandard products . In the open market has mostly iodized salt.
According to the food balance of Azerbaijan in Azerbaijan per year consumed about 92 tons of salt , including 11 tons in livestock and poultry , 5 tons in municipal services for cleaning of roads from snow.
According to the Ministry of Taxes in the production of salt works JSC Azərbaycan Duz Istehsalat Birliyi (over 110 employees) and LLC ISR Duz (6 employees). - 08B-
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