McDonald"s celebrated the 15th anniversary of Azerbaijan among journalists

The company McDonald's Azerbaijan held on Tuesday "Open Day" for journalists, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the opening of the first restaurant in Baku. The network of McDonald's Azerbaijan includes 10 restaurants Fast Food Personnel 1,000 employees, said managing director Maksud Mirzoev.

Over the years, McDonald's has been able to establish cooperation with Azerbaijani farmers Enterprise "A- Agro" , which is engaged in the cultivation and supply of all types of agricultural products in accordance with the standard. The company also has selected a local supplier of dairy products brand Milla . Moreover , the possibility of export of Azerbaijani products for McDonalds restaurants in other countries. Also initiated a project for the production of sandwich loaves in Azerbaijan , both for internal needs, and with the ability to export to Georgia.

In the development of the network infrastructure of the restaurants were invested 15 million manat. McDonald's regional office in Geneva sees Azerbaijan as a promising market and therefore, in the next three years plans to open three restaurants, including one in the city of Ganja. For this AZN 3 million will be invested. Employment is expected for another 500 boys and girls, said HR Specialist McDonald's Azerbaijan Anar Bayramov .

Salaries of employees restaurant chain McDonald's is 400 to 1,500 manat per month , depending on seniority and position.

"Azerbaijani consumer trusts the quality of our products , as it meets the requirements of not only the quality but also the requirements of food safety plan for international quality HACCP, said the manager of quality control Anar Gasimov .

During today's press tour , the journalists were given the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the storage and production , manufacturing processes sandwiches , as well as conditions for the restaurant staff .

" High-quality and nutritious food in our restaurants is available to representatives of all the words of the population. We are ready to match any restaurant in Baku , both in terms of customer service , and in the price range . Therefore, let pompous appearance of our restaurants not become an obstacle for ordinary society and guests. Our doors are open to all, " said the Azerbaijani managing McDonald's Maksud Mirzoev .

During the press conference Mirzoyev opened several "curtains" on the ownership of property LLC McDonald's Azerbaijan: «There is no Azerbaijani capital in it». -08C-

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