The first half of the year is nearing the end, but so far the public has no idea about the nature of the majority of projects funded by the NGO Support Council under the President of the country. The impressive list of 217 organizations (http://www.cssn.gov.az/xeberler/20140210062751306.html) that received grants on various topics is not an indicator of solidity of the work done. About 2 million manats has been spent from the budget, but the result is not clear.
The Ministry of Finance needs financial statements, but it does not care about quality. According to Article 247-1 of the Code of Administrative Offences (violation of laws, regulations and reporting and accounting information), violation of accounting rules established by law is punishable by a fine on officials in the amount of 300 to 400 manats, while for legal entities it is 1500 to 2000 manats.
However, the public (taxpayers) needs a specific result. According to international practice and procedure, non-governmental organizations are accountable not only to donors or the government, but also to beneficiaries, target groups and stakeholders including citizens - it is for them that the projects are operated.
Recently the Council of State Support to NGOs stated that some organizations will no longer be allowed to participate in competitions because of weak accountability. This caused discontent with non-governmental organizations "permanent resident" of the Council.
Now a new list has been published (http://www.cssn.gov.az/xeberler/20140526110652955.html), so you can find the number of matches and the level of implementation. -17D-
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