State Social Protection Fund (SSPF) opened individual accounts for 370 thousand 954 citizens insured. This is 14.7% more than as of Jan. 1.
According to Turan in the fund, today the total number of insured is 2 million 637 thousand 28 people, including pensioners. Of these, 58.6% - men, 41.4% - women with positive dynamics of growth percentage for men (in the past year, the ratio was 56.2 vs. 43.8%).
The largest number (23.9%) on the books - at the age of 30. 0.6% increase in this category is the rejuvenation of the labor market. Previously (3 months ago) championship was for those who are 30 to 40 years, they are now with 23.5% in second place. Workers from 40 to 50 years old make up 22.7% from 50 to 60 years - 20.3%, over 60 years - 9.6% decrease in the percentage for all of these categories. - 17D-
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