Rise in price of fruit and vegetables is not a consequence of their exports to Russia - Ayyub Huseynov
Factor the export of fruit and vegetables played a role in the sharp rise in prices for many fruits and vegetables are one of the last. The main reason for rising prices - is controlled by speculation and shortage of crops due to adverse weather conditions. Turan was told by the chairman of Free Consumers Union (FCU) Ayyub Huseynov.
According to him, in August of Azerbaijan to Russia exported 284 tons of tomatoes and 14 tons of cucumbers, which is a minor figure. Per month was sent to Russia more than 10 000 tons of fruit (apples, plums, peaches, etc..).
Huseynov said that information about the termination of import to Russia of food products from Europe benefited speculators inflated prices for certain fruits and vegetables, which is scarce because of abnormal drought. A kilo of tomatoes is now offered at an average price of 1.2 manat, cucumbers - 1 manat, potatoes - 0.8 manat, etc.
It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Agriculture with the announcement of September 3 also justified the increase in prices of fruits and vegetables with an increase in their export to the Russian Federation. Probably, the Ministry of Agriculture does not want to acknowledge the decline in agricultural production, even due to weather conditions.
State Statistics Committee reports that in August the average prices of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes were equal- 60 gepiks (kopecks) per 1 kg.
In 2013 the company produced 218 300 tons of cucumbers (3.8%), 500 600 tons of tomatoes (6.1%), 992,700 tons of potatoes (2.5%).
According to the State Customs Committee, for 6 months in 2014 Azerbaijan delivered the following to the Russian Federation: potatoes - 48,600 tons, tomatoes - 50 200 tons, onions - about 3 000 tons, cucumbers - 46.8 tons, eggplants - 147.5 tons, etc. --08B--
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