Single Window for Registration, Preparation of Technical Documentation and Technical Inventory of Real Estate

On October 1, registration, preparation of technical documentation and technical inventory of real estate, including land, on the principle of "single window" was made possible.

According to the report of the State Committee for Property Affairs, it is for operations with real estate, regardless of ownership, in the regional offices of State Real Estate Register Service at the Committee.

From now on, the whole procedure of registration of documents and issues related to the inventory, field measurements, technical inventory, refinement and electronic evidence will be single. This will speed up the registration of real estate and increase the transparency, efficiency and convenience. If earlier citizens after applying to the management of State Real Estate Register Service, spent time to collect additional documents, they are now exempt from the anxious waiting - they are assigned a time when they can come in and take control of the extract from the register.

In addition, citizens are exempt from the "duties" to the officials - registration of necessary documents will be performed in an electronic manner. --17D-

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