BAKU/27.12.13/Turan : Azercell Telecom has announced the winners of the first and only professional Internet Award MilliNet. As stated in its report , more than 300 nominations from 12 sites participated in the " National Internet Award " , which was established by an Internet forum of Azerbaijan ( CBA) .
In this year's contest sponsored for five years by Azercell Telecom, were presented 401 web resources, but , according to the rules , only 319 of them were put to a vote . According to the results of voting sites were selected following nominations: " Best Corporate ", " Public ", " media server ", " Culture and Tourism Website ", " Website families and children" , "Site of science and education " and "Sports "and" Entertainment sites. " Moreover, were awarded prizes in the nominations "Best public authority" , " municipality ", " Service" , "The Social Network and blogs ."
Selecting winners MilliNet conducted by criteria of design and content and technical equipment competitive commission of 15 people formed the AMF . Prize Awarding Ceremony was broadcast live on the official website of the Internet Award www.millinet.az.
Each winner was awarded a special award MilliNet - buta depicting web, made ??of bronze. Took second and third places , as well as distinguished projects were granted diplomas and gifts from Azercell Telecom .
Targets consist MilliNet contest is to promote the development of the Internet in Azerbaijan to determine the best national web resources and spend their active propaganda. Azercell Telecom has consistently supported projects aimed at the development of new branches of the Internet sector , which combine creativity, professional activities and information exchange .
The company is a supporter of the introduction of initiatives to encourage the creation of national Internet resources and contributing to the wider dissemination of content in the Azerbaijani language in the Internet space. Note that Azercell Telecom over the past two years the number of mobile Internet subscribers grew by 50 percent and consumption data traffic , the company only in 2013 increased by 120 percent. This is the result of intensive work of the operator to introduce the latest technologies such as 3G/4G, promotional communications, in particular broadband internet connection as well as convenient and beneficial tariff packages provided to all subscribers of Azercell.
LLC Azercell Telecom was founded in 1996 and maintains a leading position in the market since the early years of its operation . Azercell in Azerbaijan has implemented a number of innovative technologies and concepts , such as GSM- technology , the system pre-paid mobile services , GPRS / EDGE ( mobile Internet ) , 24/7 Call Center, the concept of offices Azercell Express, mobile e- service "Asan Imza" and so on .
The company's network , which is 53 percent of the mobile market in the country , covers 99.8 percent of the population . Number of subscribers by the end of 2012 amounted to 4.4 million people . In 2011 the company launched a network of 3G, and in 2012 - the fourth-generation network , LTE. The company is a leader in the mobile industry and Azerbaijan is the largest investor in the non-oil sector .
Azercell is part of a group of companies TeliaSonera, operating in 20 countries with a total of 186 million subscribers and 27,000 employees. - 17D-
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