'Amnesty International' has released a new report on Azerbaijan, where it expressed concern about the deteriorating human rights situation in the country.

‘Unjustified restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, repressions of human rights defenders and journalists,’ the report says.

Violation of the right to fair trial and abuse of justice for political purposes is widespread.

Also cited are the arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders and government critics Anar Mammadli, Gubad Ibadoglu, Tofig Yagublu, Rufat Safarov, Iqbal Abilov and Bahruz Samedov. 

Recent arrests of six journalists from 'Meydan TV' are also reported.

Another section of the report deals with tortures, ill-treatment and denial of medical care to prisoners.

‘Tortures and other ill-treatment in detention centres are widespread and perpetrated by police and investigative officers. There is no independent complaints mechanism, nor is there access to justice and effective remedies for victims.

Nearly all critics of the government report on tortures and ill-treatment in detention. These complaints are not effectively investigated,’ the document said.

As an example, pressures on 'Abzas Media' journalists Sevinj Vagifgyzy and Nargiz Absalamova are mentioned.

Also, several arrested journalists and activists suffer from serious health problems but are denied the necessary medical care.

‘Amnesty International’ also draws attention to the restriction of freedom of assembly in Azerbaijan, noting that ‘peaceful protests have been effectively banned in the country for more than a decade’.

There are no signs of improvement in the human rights situation in Azerbaijan, the report notes calling on the international community to ‘strongly condemn the systemic and serious human rights violations in Azerbaijan.

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