Azerbaijan is an important strategic partner of Latvia, Chairman of the Seimas – Parliament of this Baltic country Daiga Mierina said at a press conference in Baku today. During her visit to Azerbaijan, she traveled to Karabakh, visited Shusha and Fuzuli. She stressed that the visits of representatives of the international community to the territories liberated from occupation play an important role in bringing Azerbaijani realities to the world community. Mierina announced the readiness of Latvian companies to participate in construction and restoration work in Shusha.

Today, Daiga Mierinya was received by Head of state Ilham Aliyev, who told her about the history of the conflict with Armenia. The guest, in turn, said that the history of cultural ties between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Latvia has deep roots. In this regard, she recalled that Latvian artist Julia Straumen lived and worked as a teacher in Shusha more than 100 years ago and created a collection of Azerbaijani carpets in Shusha.

At the meeting, satisfaction was expressed with the relations and mutual support between the two countries within the framework of international organizations. Issues of cooperation between the countries in agriculture, tourism and other fields were touched upon. It was noted that Latvia has very good experience in the field of agriculture and expressed interest in cooperation with Azerbaijan in this area.

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