Georgia , along with Turkey and Azerbaijan will contribute to Europe"s energy security

Tbilisi/29.05.14/Turan-BS PRESS: Georgia in partnership with Azerbaijan and Turkey can contribute significantly to the energy security of Europe, said the  Defense Minister Irakli Alasania during a speech at a conference on energy security, which took place on the eve in Germany. "Georgia is a geopolitical situation that contributes to introducing it, together with Azerbaijan and Turkey contribution to Europe's energy security,"  said the Georgian minister.

During his speech Alasaniya touched security issues in the region. He focused on the  importance of ensuring stability and security in the region, and the development of transit potential of the country .

"We talked about Georgia's achievements in recent years , the rapid reform of state structures , the judiciary, Georgia's readiness to sign an association agreement with the EU , which will give more opportunities to get closer to Europe," Alasania said.

"Southern Gas Corridor" is  a project that will allow Europe to diversify their supply sources and increase energy security hydrocarbons, and Azerbaijan - to gain a new market in the face of Europe.

On December 17, 2013 was adopted a final investment decision on the second stage of development of Azerbaijani offshore gas condensate field " Shah Deniz",  and  10 billion cubic meters  of this gas will go to the European market.

The contract to develop the offshore field "Shah Deniz" field with proven reserves of 1.2 trillion cubic meters of gas was signed June 1996.

Project of the Southern Gas Corridor , as planned , in 2019 , will pass through Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey , and then will be extended to Greece , Albania and Italy. -02D-

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