Iran continues to fume over the Zangezur Corridor

Iran continues to fume over the Zangezur Corridor

The Iranian Embassy in Armenia reports that Iranian Ambassador Mehdi Sobkhani met with Armenian Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan to reiterate Iran's objections to the opening of the Zangezur Corridor. During the meeting, the ambassador emphasized Iran's stance on maintaining international borders and rejecting any geopolitical changes, as well as supporting the territorial integrity of its neighbors, according to the embassy's statement.

In response, Armenian Security Council Secretary Grigoryan emphasized that Armenia places great importance on its relationship with Iran, and no force can sever the territorial connection between Iran and Armenia. He stated that "any removal of blockades within Armenian territory will be under the control of Armenia's internal institutions and its sovereignty," the statement reads.

For the past week, Iranian officials, including the Foreign Minister, have vocally declared that they will not allow the opening of the Zangezur Corridor, which they claim is against Iran's interests. At the same time, Tehran openly ignores the official stance of Yerevan, which considers the opening of this route through its territory acceptable.

Tehran also accuses Moscow of "betrayal" and lobbying for the Zangezur Corridor project, asserting that opening this route would block Iran's access to European markets.

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