NCDF Discusses Strategy of Its Activities

The headquarters of the party Musavat today is hosting the first session of the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF). At the meeting held under the chairmanship of the leader of the party Musavat, Isa Gambar, 77 of the 128 members of NCDF are involved, which means the presence of a quorum.

The agenda includes three questions: the socio-political situation in the country; organizational structuring of NCDF, and current issues.
On the first issue reported the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (PFPA), Ali Kerimli.
He drew attention to the nomination by the party New Azerbaijan of Ilham Aliyev's candidacy for the presidency for the third time. Kerimli called it "illegal and undemocratic step." For, in his view, the constitutional amendment adopted in 2009 to eliminate the time limit on the stay of one person as head of state should be extended to Presidents to be elected after the amendment of the Basic Law. Aliyev also ran a two-time limit of his election as President at the time of bringing his oath to the Constitution.
Kerimli Aliyev said the nomination for a third term is "disrespect for the people of Azerbaijan." "It turns out that except the members of the same family, no one can be the President of Azerbaijan. But the Azerbaijani people have a lot of other worthy candidates for President," said Kerimli.
The second point, on which he drew attention, is building NCDF's relations with international organizations.
He noted that in anticipation of Aliyev's visit to Brussels to meet with the leaders of the EU the European Parliament adopted a tough resolution on Azerbaijan in connection with the violation of human rights.
At the same time, a number of other international bodies as PACE and OSCE PA lost the confidence of the Azerbaijani people.
In view of this Kerimli offered to continue active cooperation with the international organizations, including human rights bodies that are "always with the Azerbaijani Democrats." At the same time, it is necessary to inform the world community about the international structures and policies that take a conformist stance on human rights violations.
Kermli proposed the creation of an NCDF working group to visit foreign countries and to inform about the goals of the National Council.
Next Kerimli noted the importance of developing a common electoral platform and nominating a single candidate from NCDF for the presidency.
Thus it is necessary to establish a working group of NCDF to examine the legal procedures for the nomination and registration of a candidate for the presidency.
Kerimli also noted the need for NCDF to work with the public.
In his view, to increase civic engagement of the population before the elections mass protests should be resumed.
Kerimli also proposed to consolidate efforts in the struggle for the liberation of all political prisoners and put an end to fragmentation in the sector.
The speech by Kerimli was also supported by other participants in the session. They noted the need to accelerate the process of nominating a single candidate. The Chairman of the Open Society Party Sulhaddin Akbar also encouraged to inform the public that NCDF is in no way working for external forces, as the authorities try to present, and that NCDF has chosen peaceful methods of political struggle.
He also proposed the creation of an election committee and a rally committee of NCDF.
The session continues.
Yesterday the head of NCDF Rustam Ibrahimbekov sent an appeal to the participants in the session from abroad, in which he set out a vision of how to proceed. (Http:// 20to% 20Say/062000040243ru.htm #. UcP_efnwmek)
The session supported the proposals made by Ibrahimbekov. -03C06 -

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