NGOs of Azerbaijan received an average of 37.5 thousand mantas each

In 2012, each non-governmental organization of Azerbaijan received an average of 37.5 thousand manats.

According to the report by the Cabinet of Ministers for the year 2012, the Ministry of Justice received 1,054 grant agreements totaling 39 million 542.57 thousand manats (+21% compared to last year).

The information is not talking about the number of beneficiaries, while noting that 187 organizations were warned after the audit, and the materials in one case were sent to prosecutors for criminal investigation.

Sources of revenue in the NGOs are mostly government agencies (in the past, the State Council to support NGOs supported 348 projects worth 2 million 031 manats, the Ministry of Youth and Sports supported 57 projects worth 851.59 thousand manats, the Ministry of Economic Development allocated 8 legal entities grants of AZN 82.44 thsd, $ 436.29 thsd and 134.75 thsd euros). By other sources information is not fully open.

There are several offices of international organizations and non-governmental funds in Azerbaijan. Embassies also allocate grants. The relationship of political power in Azerbaijan with foreign funds deteriorate, which is evidenced by the temporary suspension of the Open Society Institute - Soros Foundation.

NGOs have a problem with the registration and reporting. At the recent meetings of the State Council and the Coalition of NGO specific proposals were made for liberalization of laws and relaxed attitude of the authorities to NGOs.

The public expects legislative changes in this area, but now, the authorities just tighten the regulations. Since February 15, the parliament adopted amendments to the laws "On Grants", "On Freedom of Religion" and "On Non-governmental Organizations (Public Associations and Foundations)" sharply limiting and complicating their work. - 17D-


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