Novruzov: Isa Gambar Violated Traffic Rules

The report from the U.S. State Department on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan, says that primitivly chewed thoughts were repeated excessively. Such an evaluation of the report from the State Department was made during an interview with the Voice of America, given by the deputy executive secretary of the ruling party New Azerbaijan (NAP), Siyavush Novruzov.

He believes the only positive exception is the part of the report concerning the Karabakh conflict.

Novruzov said the State Department expressed biased criticism. For example, he thinks the press in the country faces no problems. On the contrary, there is a fund to support the press, the government builds housing for press officers, and newspapers debts are frozen or written off.

Novruzov rejected criticism on violations to freedom of assembly. According to him, the authorities allocate space for meetings, but the opposition, "because of the lack of social base wants to hold rallies in crowded places."

At the same time, Novruzov complained there were a large number of people transported to the regions by the oppositions.  Thus, explaining the reason why the leader of the Musavat party, Isa Gambar, was denied entrance into Lankaran.  Novruzov said, "In order to meet with 30 people in Lankaran, there is no need to transport 400 people there." According to Novruzov, they might go in 3 or 4 cars or on a bus.

In turn, Gambar’s motorcade was stopped due to traffic violations. Gambar was told that they could only use six cars and other vehicles would have to turn around.  He refused and returned.

However, the lawyer Novruzov did not specify which law states the quantitative restrictions on traveling on the country’s roads.

He was asked to comment on the reasons for dispersing young people who demanded putting an end to soldiers' deaths; Novruzov answered that no matter the rally, rather it be against “cutting trees or soldiers’ deaths”, everything has to be within the law on freedom of assembly. According to him, the Executive Power of Baku has allocated 11 venues for rallies.

In the view of Novruzov, the opposition holds rallies in the center to give the appearance of a mass of people. "In the city center, at fountains square, at least ten thousand people walk in all directions.  Rally participants go there, and a photograph of 30 people give the appearance of mass.n  These photos are then sent to international organizations. However, this is not a mass protest, but it's just the people in the square," said Novruzov.

Novruzov is convinced a number of projects in the USA finance the opposition. "Some organizations are fed by America." Opposition parties create NGOs through which they receive funding. For example, some NGOs or some press originations are paid by these funds.  At the same time, he said that state-run organizations receive grants from the United States and use them properly and profitably.

When asked from which of the oppositions will there be a rival candidate from the NAP in the presidential election, Novruzov answered that the government has no alternative candidate, the candidate is the current President. -06D-


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