Russia's War In Ukraine 'Propped Up By China, North Korea, Iran' NATO Chief Says

Russia's War In Ukraine 'Propped Up By China, North Korea, Iran' NATO Chief Says

Russia’s war in Ukraine is a 'brutal assault' on a peaceful democratic nation and is "propped up by China, North Korea, and Iran," who all want to see the Western alliance fail, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg told a joint press briefing at the State Department Thursday afternoon after talks with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, TURAN's Washington correspondent

"If they succeed in Ukraine, it will make us more vulnerable and the world more dangerous," Stoltenberg went on to emphasize, making a case that the Alliance's support to Ukraine is "not charity; it is in our own security interest." 

"We all want this war to end, but the Russian occupation of Ukraine offers no peace, and capitulation to Putin offers no security.  The stronger our support, the sooner the war will end, which is why I welcome the 10-year bilateral security agreement between the United States and Ukraine," he said.

Blinken agreed, condemning Iran and North Korea for providing weapons to Russia in support of its invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, he accused China of assisting Russia in "maintaining its position" in the war. "We're looking at countries that are supporting Russia's defense industrial base, which is allowing Russia to continue the war, including China," he said.

Seventy percent of machine tools that Russia is importing are coming from China, the top U.S, diplomat said, adding that 90% of microelectronics are also coming from there. "And that has enabled Russia to keep that defense industrial base going, to keep the war machine going, to keep the war going. So, that has to stop," he said, adding the U.S. will continue to provide the necessary support to Ukraine.

"We want to make sure that Ukraine is a success, that it stands strongly on its own feet, militarily, economically, democratically, and that's exactly what we're enabling Ukraine to do," he said.

Stoltenberg added that Europe is also doing its part, matching U.S. efforts in Ukraine, and at the NATO Summit this July in Washington, "I expect European Allies and Canada to come forward with more financial and military support, and that leaders will agree that NATO takes the lead in coordinating the security assistance and training for Ukraine," he said. 

"All of this will reduce the burden on the United States," the NATO chief concluded.

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