Teachers are required not to "spoil the image" of their educational institutions

Teachers are required not to "spoil the image" of their educational institutions

Teachers must adhere to the principles of legality, loyalty, conscientious and cultural behavior, impartiality, and public trust,  the "Rules of ethical behavior of teachers", approved on May 15 by the Ministry of Science and Education.

The document reflects the rules of behavior of teachers and in social media. So, in paragraph 2.3.2. it says that the teacher, providing information about activities in the media and social networks, must comply with the rules established by the institution in which he works.  And paragraph 4.3 states that a teacher on social media accounts should not share audio and video materials that damage the image, belittle the authority of the educational institution in which he works.

There were no such norms in the previous "Rules of Ethical Behavior of teachers".

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