The decision to arrest young activists will be appealed (UPDATED)

Decision of the  Sabail Court  to  arrest three young activists Ulvi Hasanli, Majid Marjanli and Kanan Gasymly for 15 days on charges of not subordinate to the police will be appealed to the Court of Appeal, according to  the lawyer Elchin Sadigov.

According to Sadigov, the judge has  started  the consideration of the case  without waiting for the arrival of a lawyer. The lawyer also was not provide with the text of the judge's decision, and it is unclear what exactly is incriminated his client. Sadigov also was  not allowed to meet privately with   his  client.

The head of the organization "Free Youth",  Ulvi Hasanli,  was arrested yesterday near the metro station "Nizami",  and was  taken to police headquarters located near the subway. Later another activist Majid Marjanli and activist of  NIDA Movement, Kanan Gasymly were also summoned  there. 

Therefore, it remains unclear where and when they together “did not  obey the police.”-16D06—

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2013 July 15 (Monday) 14:32:43

On Monday, the Sabail District Court arrested, for 15 days, three young activists who were detained the day before.

The court found the head and member of the organization "Free Youth" Ulvi Gasanli and Majid Marjanli, as well as an activist of NIDA,  Kanan Gasymly, guilty under Article 310.1 (disobedience to police). Young people were tried without lawyers. -16D06—

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2013 July 15 (Monday) 12:27:27

The law enforcement agencies of Azerbaijan refuse to comment on the reasons of detention of three young activists - Ulvi Hasanli, Mejid Marjanly and Kenan Gasymly.

Yesterday they were detained by the employees of the Baku subway police department. In the evening they were driven away from the police department and their whereabouts remains unknown.

Neither the Foreign Ministry, nor the General Prosecutor's Office provide official information about the reason of their detention.

Since yesterday lawyer Asabali Mustafayev tried to obtain some information about the young people's whereabouts, but his efforts brought no results.

Emil Bagirov, NIDA movement's activist, who was detained yesterday and then released, said that the reason of the young people's detention were leaflets glued in the subway several days ago.

Ulvi Hasanli, is the leader of Free Youth movement, and Mejidli is the activist of this organization. They both are also members of the National Council.

Kenan Gasymly is the member of NIDA Board.-0-




On July 14, 2013 at about 3.30 p.m. Ulvi Hasanli, head of the Free Youth movement, and Emil Bagirov, activist of NIDA movement, were detained at the Nizami subway exit. They have been taken to the Baku subway police department located nearby.

Young people in civilian clothes introduced themselves as policemen and told young people that "they act suspiciously by walking here and there."

Kenan Gasymly, member of Board of NIDA civil movement, and Mejid Marjanly, activist of Free Youth movement, have been also called to the Baku subway police department.

Before visiting the police station Marjanly told journalists that Hasanli called him from the police department and said that the detentions are connected with "the leaflets posted in the subway."

Bagirov was released and the remaining people were driven in unknown direction in the evening. Their friends think that they have been taken to court. However, they were neither in the Yasamal, nor Sabail courts.

By July 14 10.00 p.m. the whereabouts of young people was unknown.

The anonymous leaflets saying "Source of Power Is You," "Don't Be Scared of Authorities," "Protest at The Authorities" and "Change Power"  with the big exclamation mark have been posted recently in Baku and Khyrdalan cities.-0--


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