The involved  in the “Abzas Media” case continue to face unjust restrictions in pretrial detention

The involved  in the “Abzas Media” case continue to face unjust restrictions in pretrial detention

According to a report from “Abzas Media” on Facebook, journalist Elnara Gasimova, who is being held in Baku’s Pretrial Detention Facility No. 1, has also been subjected to new restrictions.

Elnara's mother, Natavan Gasimova, stated that following the parliamentary elections, Elnara has been banned from “in-person” meetings with her family. “Previously, we could bring a pen and paper to take notes during visits. But after “Abzas Media” director Ulvi Hasanly exposed the torture of a female inmate in the detention facility, in-person visits for journalists with their families were prohibited, and communication is now only allowed through glass,” noted Gasimova. Moreover, visits through the glass partition are conducted under strict supervision by guards.

“During the visit on October 12, a guard stood over us the entire time. When I protested, the guards said it was their orders. I asked why we couldn’t bring a pen and paper; they told me that paper was allowed, but not a pen, as per instructions,” Gasimova recounted. Earlier, family members of other detainees in the same case, Ulvi Hasanly and Sevinc Vagifgizi, reported a similar ban on “in-person meetings.”

The editorial team at “Abzas Media” believes that as COP29 approaches, the detained journalists from their organization are facing increased difficulties.

Elnara Gasimova is one of six journalists arrested between November 2023 and January 2024 in connection with the “Abzas Media” case. An economist, Farid Mehralizade, was subsequently arrested in this matter.

Initially, all were charged under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling by a group of individuals by prior agreement). However, between August 16-19, the charges were escalated to include Article 192.3.2 (illegal entrepreneurship with significant income); Articles 193-1.3.1 and 193-1.3.2 (money laundering by an organized group); Article 206.4 (smuggling by an organized group); Articles 320.1 and 320.2 (document forgery and use of forged documents); and Article 213.2.1 (group tax evasion) of the Criminal Code.

These charges carry a potential prison sentence of up to 12 years. The journalists deny all accusations.

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