Regular plenary meeting of the autumn session of the Parliament finished by discussing the changes to the law «On the rules of the use of the National Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan."
According to Ali Huseynli, the chairman of the Committee on Legal Policy and State Building, the innovation provides color matching of the flag to the following catalogue: blue - the color Pantone 306c , red - the color Pantone Red 032S , green - the color Pantone 362S.
The requirements of the law (Article 9.2 of the law) are valid for the manufacturing of the product by industrial methods, and for printing color images of the state flag.
Azerbaijan and Georgia approved an intergovernmental agreement "On cooperation to address the consequences of emergencies, limitation and reduction" and a framework agreement between the Government of Azerbaijan and the European Investment Bank to regulate the activity of the bank in the country.
Changes have been made to the Tax Code, the Law "On State Duty of the Azerbaijan Republic», the Criminal Code, and the Code of Administrative Offences. In parallel, amendments have been made to the laws "On Physical Culture and Sports”, "On Natural Monopolies ", "On Entrepreneurship", "On Social Insurance ", " Public Health Protection", and "On the Judicial Council."
Amendments were made to the laws "On the achievements of breeding ", " On Seed ", "On Food," "On viticulture and winemaking." In addition, the approved amendments to the laws "On stimulation of agricultural insurance ", "On ecological agriculture" and "On Road Traffic" have been approved. --17D—
2013 October 22 (Tuesday) 13:31:18
Baku/22.10.13/Turan : The agenda of today's meeting of the Milli Mejlis includes issues of bilateral and multilateral co-operation , changes to the existing legislation , and other issues .
Of the 32 items under discussion , the most interesting are the upcoming changes to the Civil and Tax Code, the Law on State Duty .
There will also be innovations in the law on natural monopolies , business activities, on social insurance and food.
Preservation of public health , pollution-free agricultural products , road safety and the activities of the Judicial Legal Council, will also be discussed at the meeting of the MM . - 17D-
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