Violations in early elections undermine their legitimacy – Alliance of Observers
The early parliamentary elections on September 1 were accompanied by serious violations, which dealt a blow to their democratic legitimacy, a statement by the Election Observation Alliance (EOA), which monitored the elections by a group of local experts and short-term observers. The political and legal environment of the elections was characterized by the concentration of power with the weakening of the opposition, which calls into question the fairness and transparency of the elections.
From the very beginning of the election campaign, the political environment was unfavorable for the elections. The dominance of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan party limited pluralism and seriously hampered the participation of opposition forces. In addition, the activities of political parties were limited by the new law on parties adopted in 2022.
The broad resources of the ruling party seriously suppressed the activities of independent candidates and their opportunities during the election campaign. The TV channels did not devote any space to the candidates' debates, did not create opportunities for different opinions.
The events of polling day have only increased anxiety and faith in fair elections. Thus, persons who were not on the voter lists participated in the voting, there was voting by persons without an identity card, mass stuffing of ballots into ballot boxes, repeated voting by the same persons.
There were facts of pressure on observers, expelling them from polling stations, not allowing them to count votes. All this indicates that the elections did not meet democratic standards and casts doubt on the results of the elections and undermines public confidence in the electoral process.
Fundamental reforms are needed to eliminate these problems, including restoring political pluralism, improving electoral legislation, equal opportunities for all candidates, increasing transparency of the electoral process and creating an independent media environment, the document says.
1 comment
Müslüm Əliyev
Какая легитимность если место "оппозиционера" Сабира Рустамханлы посаженного в Меджлис Миллета аж в 1990г заняла его шохратоносная жена Танзиля.