About external forces governing the conflict on the Keshikchi Mount


- What does "border delimitation" mean if there are state borders dividing the territories of Azerbaijan and Georgia?

Tofiq Zulfuqarov-"Delimitation is a demarcation on the ground." In our case, the border between the two countries runs along the ridge, along the top of the mountain, and we need to clarify where to put the border posts, along which line the ridge should be considered. If the border passes in the middle of the river, the course of which may vary depending on the season, the intensity of rain, then this situation is also decided by the commission on delimitation. This is a practical question requiring specification. Usually local governments, the public, farmers who pasture or herded cattle take part in the work of such a commission. Religious figures and historians may participate in the work of the delimitation commission.

Now, about the monastery complex, a smaller part of which remains in the Azerbaijani side. Each side has its own claims and historical background. The claims of the Georgian side to the Orthodox history of the monastery because of what - they believe the two objects of the monastery should belong to them are insolvent since the Azerbaijanis were first Zoroastrian, partly Jews, then Christians, then the Turks came to the region, spreading their language and culture to the local people . That is, the religious justification of the Georgian demand in this case cannot be taken into account. The David Gareji complex is also a historical and religious heritage of Azerbaijani culture.

My view on the solution of the problem is that it would be correct to delimit in such a way as to create there a separate cultural, historical and religious zone, a complex with a special status. Georgia and Azerbaijan can manage this complex on an equal basis with the participation of UNESCO experts. The Georgians will give their representatives, our own, plus representatives from UNESCO to the governing structure. Suppose three managers each are co-opted from Georgia and Azerbaijan, two representatives from UNESCO. Citizens of both countries are granted the right to visit a complex managed by an international body.

At the same time, the territory of the complex, a certain conventional square, remains the sovereign land of Azerbaijan, on which there is a special center with equal management of the two countries. The monastery is declared the cultural heritage of two peoples. Tourists visit it, buy souvenirs there, and pray. If we create a common cultural and historical complex there, the territorial affiliation of this land loses its value. If we start to argue about the ownership of the territory, the fight will last for many years.

- Georgian politicians say that the borders of the Azerbaijan and Georgian SSR are conditional and should be revised.

- Independent Azerbaijan has been admitted to the UN within the borders of Azerbaijan. The Soviet Socialist Republic, our territory is recognized by the international community, the same territory is recognized as an independent Georgia and is not subject to revision. No matter to whom this square belongs, it is important how it is used, while preserving the cultural and religious heritage of the territory under discussion. Let us proceed as in Europe, where a red line passes through the center of the city, beyond which another state begins, and city dwellers can cross this line in any direction.

- In Europe, crowds of citizens of one of the states do not attack the border guard.

- They attack in Georgia because they carry out their political tasks. A pilgrim, a believer, a tourist will not attack the military. For him, the current management structure of the complex completely decides everything. Even current policy provocateurs will cease their actions if a jointly controlled complex is created there. They will lose ground for provocations.

- In Georgia, local politicians accuse President Salome Zurabishvili of being an incompetent politician who provoked the conflict with stupid statements.

- What is happening in Georgia is an internal affair of the Georgian people. Two political tendencies are fighting in Georgia: pro-Western and pro-Russian. The latter is the tycoon Ivanishvili and the ruling elite, they call for cooperation with Russia, despite the problems between the countries. Opposition require cooperation only with the West. They conflict with each other in parliament and on the streets.

The pro-Russian elite, ruled from abroad, decided to invent a monastery problem so that Russia could increase pressure on Georgia, create a problem of a geopolitical important point in Georgia that has enough other problems. Russia intends to terminate the corridor through which the West carries out transit and communication with Central Asia, including gas and oil communications. Where the West affects both Georgia and Azerbaijan. Russia wants to solely control this region by creating a new conflict there.

There is a second player who intervened in the events around the monastery. The Pashinyan administration understands that it will not receive a security umbrella from Russia in case of hostilities with Azerbaijan. Because Moscow does not accept Pashinyan, and he does not cooperate as the Kremlin wants, and keeps Kocharyan in prison. Pashinyan understands that he needs to secure himself by creating a second front for Azerbaijan in Georgia. Before the events around the monastery, Azerbaijan deployed border troops on the border with Armenia. Now Pashinyan hopes that by strengthening the border forces on the Georgian border, we will weaken the border with Armenia. His logic and actions are very simple.

The third component in the game is pro-Armenian forces in Russia, politicians and propagandists of the Russian Federation of Armenian origin, working for Armenians, just like Kalantarov and others. They can declare their Russian citizenship, but they necessarily serve Armenia. So the policy of creating a conflict between Azerbaijan and Georgia is being formed both in Armenia and in the diaspora structures of Armenians all over the world.

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