Authorities block the work of a large group of independent NGOs

Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan started an investigation into the activities of international organizations in Azerbaijan. In this regard, the bank accounts were frozen by some NGOs. "The prosecutor's office admits that funds of  these NGOs could be used in any crimes, and froze them," Turan was told by the  expert in media law, Alasgar Mammadov.

The investigation started after the entry into force  amendments and changes to the laws on NGOs for grants of state registration of legal entities from February 4, 2014, he said.

"Law enforcement  organs do not inform the public, for whatever reason, they conduct investigation, while the freezing of accounts suggests that these organizations have made illegal actions. At the same time, the actions of these NGOs are quite clear and the legal: they  submit  reports, pay taxes and make payments to the social fund. Their expenses are controlled by the Central Bank," said Mammadov.

It is possible that the investigation may have very interesting outcome, such as:   Azerbaijan is so  developed  that does not need foreign NGOs, but it will be a political decision, said the lawyer.

According to him, the bank accounts  of NGOs have been frozen because they cooperate with international organizations; but the accounts of NGOs receiving money from the State Support for  media, NGOs and youth were not frozen.

"Therefore, it is clear that  the lawsuit  is  against international NGOs", he said. But even in this case, a criminal case should  have terms. If it started in April, and there is no result in July, it means freezing the organization's activities, " said Mammadov.

The expert also noted that  in Azerbaijan monitoring   in nonprofit organizations is stronger than commercial. Non-profit organizations are funded through small grants, donations, however, they face serious control, which is not true with commercial structures, dealing with the major media.

At present  the activities  of about two dozen independent NGOs ;  40 grants from international donors, some of which was also presented and the media, remain blocked.

All these NGOs and projects address issues of democracy, human rights, elections, freedom of speech, corruption.

They are just these  topics and organizations that regularly expose authorities for violations in all these areas.

All-out attack on the civilian government sector in Azerbaijan began after the presidential elections in October 2013, which were recognized by the OSCE mission undemocratic, not free and unfair. -03B04-

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