Azerbaijan alone can not combat terrorism

There are several causes of systematic terrorist attacks in Turkey. On the one hand, intensification of the struggle against the PKK in eastern Turkey and northern Iraq. On the other hand, it is the result of the success of the Syrian wing of the PKK, which is now being supported by the US and Russia, said the former first deputy minister of national security of Azerbaijan Sulhaddin Akbar  in an interview with the radio "Voice of America" ​​and Turan agency.

Commenting on the reasons for Turkey's vulnerability to attacks and inability of secret services  to prevent them  Akbar said that the fight against terror is objectively difficult.  Effective struggle requires effective intelligence and joint efforts at the global level. While there is no global anti-terrorist center  it will be difficult to combat terrorism. As for Azerbaijan, the country  does not have much experience in the fight against terror and the need for international support.

"Taking into account  the  state of the former Ministry of National Security, the situation is not encouraging. I would say that Azerbaijan  is  helpless against terror," Akbar said.

It is impossible to speak about  effective  fight against terrorism in the  secret services  where entrenched corruption and organized crime. It takes time to reorganize the intelligence.   Taking it into account  in the near future the situation in Azerbaijan will be difficult, Akbar said.

Now it is necessary to work closely with our allies and partners, and above all with the countries of the free world, Turkey and NATO.  Effective work of  secret  services needs  a democratic system in the  whole country, which enables the parliamentary and public control over their activities, without interfering in operational activities, said  Sulhaddin Akbar. -06D-

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