PACE gives the authorities a signal about the problem of political prisoners


- Rasul-bey, for many years you live outside Azerbaijan. As a detached observer, followqing your contacts with ordinary citizens, how would you describe the current political processes in the country?

Rəsul Cəfərov- For outsider, the picture seems to be apparent by all observers, including views of human rights protection organizations, young people attending universities abroad or working in Europe, foreigners showing interest in our country. They are arguing that the political system of the country remains to be self-contained; no free and fair elections are held which is against the Constitution and international obligations of the country; there is a growing number of politically motivated detentions and arrests; pressures on civic activists are stepping up; the authorities are evil-eyed to successful alternative projects of cicil society; the social-political crisis is changing for the worse, etc. In turn, we are propagandizing the culture, history and national cuisine of Azerbaijan among foreign students attending our universities. Howeever, it is evident for anyone that political issues cannot be resolved without enforcement of fundamental civil rights and freedoms; without openness of political system. The country"s image will be at intolerably low level without decisive steps on this track.

- How would you describe civil society activites against the background of the current developments in the country?

- It is uncontested fact that the civil society is still alive, goes on functioning even despite restictions and long-term pressures by the authorities; suffice it to remember mass inroads into activities of human rights activists, intimidations and arrests in 2014; forced migration from the country; suspension of the activity of some organizations, incuding donors; making numerous regressive amedments into the law on NGOs. Thus, the latest amendment disdables NGO" to act on the basis of independent and principled stand on social and political issues. At the same time, human rights activists, young activists, journalists and bloggers, including social and political activists guided by enthusiasm and moral imperative have not suspended their activities completely. Underway is activities of the Working group on combined list of political prisoners; human rights activists to render moral aid to persons charged with alleged crimes; political groups to carry on social and political activity. Cited as an example is a joint action arranged on May 28 by representatives of civil society and the Party Republican Alternative to commemorate 100-anniversary of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic, as well as a solidarity to oppose pressures of the authorities. In other words, despite incessant pressures from the authorities, the civil society managed to close its ranks and is currently applying efforts to meet its obligations properly.

- Despite the Decree of Pardon and in contrast wit public expectations, most political prisoners have not been released. Even worse, arrests of political activists are underway. What, in your view, is the reason of these actions? Is this because of geopolitical processes or intrapolitical considerations?

- Refusal to release political prisoners is due to the lack of political will of the authorities and their being in an undefined state. Privately I"ve never invested my expectations in the Decree of Pardon, for I"m sure that the Decree won"t affect Ilgar Mamedov. And I hit the mark. Following the developments in Armenia, our authorities have sunk into anxiety, so apprehensive of uncertainty consequences they are presently concerned with retaining their repressive, closed regime. For that very reason, the authorities are holding off on the release of political prisoners, filing new, politically motivated criminal charges, impeding their activities in every posible way, etc.

- Ilgar Mamedov"s duration of custody expired. Even then he has not been released. How, do you think, will things march next?

- The problem is not so much in expiration of his imprisonment, for he was to be released as far back as in 2014. The first decision of the European Court over Mamedov"s case was to be executed till September 2014, therefore an appropriate decision had taken effect as far back as in June, so, under the European Court procedure, it was to be executed in 3-month term. However, the date of June 5, as referred to by observers, is related to the second decision of the European Court on the case. In other words, a 3-month term for the decision had already expired by the date. To abide by the Mamedov-related decision, the Committee of ministers of the Council of Europe had to resort an unprecedented procedure. Thus, an inquiry has been addressed to the European Court to establish whether a failure to execute a judgement over Mamedov is due to the breach of obligations by the government of Azerbaijan. Should the European Court reveal violations, sanctions would follow. As for the second decision, a Plenum of the Supreme Court will be held to discharge a court order on Ilmar Mamedov"s sentence and its subsequent execution. In other words, Ilgar Mamedov must be released thereby emphasizing illegitimacy of Ilgar Mamedov"s preventive punishment as set forth in the first decision.

- The PACE defined a reporter on political prisoners in Azerbaijan. Does it affect Azerbaijan?

- A decision was made to appoint a reporter on political prisoners. A person responsible for the task performance will be named at a regular session of the PACE (June 25-29). The fact is acknowledged that the PACE as a political organization on political prisoners in Azerbaijansets a certain signal where a human rights reporter should prepare a report on political prisoners only.

- Can the progress on this track contribute to the improvement of the situation in the country as a whole?

- However that may be, the improvement of the situation in the country is in the hands of each of us, Azerbaijanis; hence it is important to promote activity and the number of citizens showing their their public and political concerns. In this connection, it is essdential to inform citizens of their rights and enforcement of these rights; persuade them take an activbe part in the elections, including insignificant municipal ones. In turn, the international public should demand from Azerbaijan to comply with its human rights protection obligations.

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