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Фото: pixabay.com

- Erkin-bey, recently a real information war has started against political immigrants. How do you think, what is its cause?

In fact, it has deep roots. At first glance, this is done in response to the fact that the young Azerbaijanis living in Europe glue the President's photo on garbage cans, shields at bus stops and other places with the inscription "Dictator", and some people in social networks, live, in video calls sound insults and curses. This is the visible cause. Maybe once they could be answered. Honestly, I'm not a supporter of reacting to profanity. But when someone curses a swearing, I can understand him. However, there must be a limit. But it has been lasting long. As far as we can see, it is already acquiring a systematic character. I do not claim that the foul language from Europe is somehow managed from here or organized. "But for me it is quite obvious that the local side is trying to take advantage of what is happening there. When I say "local", I mean the authorities. Some circles in power. Assuming that in the future, if the makeup of the government changes after the presidential election, they may not get a new post, they will use these events as a pretext to try to hide the work that has not been fulfilled to date, or their mistakes, and will try to show the president even greater devotion. They aspire to prove that they have done and are doing a great job, are making efforts to activate journalists, NGOs, diaspora, Azerbaijanis living abroad. They go abroad and hold activities there. Adopt appeals. They are no longer satisfied with NGOs and journalists, they mobilize deputies. It seems that as if the authorities, knowing that they owe it to them, say: "What are you silent, we gave you a mandate, we provided apartments," "at the time of praise, you line up here, and in times of blasphemy, you are silent. " And, probably, all these cases lead to an intensification of the internal power conflict. Maybe someone asks for additional powers, someone - for reappointment to the post, someone - for allocation of budgetary funds; such as - to hold events abroad, and to organize some new formats. That is, the fact this question has been lasting so long that leads me to such a conclusion.

- As you noted, this information war has gone to the level of abuse, and for this purpose the government mobilized the media, deputies and officials at its disposal. Is it correct to transfer scolding and insults to politics and fight in this form?

- Let's just say so. In Europe, all this putting up photos, swearing, etc. have no political significance. I believe that these are not political measures and are not politically significant. This is nonsense. It's the youth, and one of them is embittered by the authorities, someone is insulted by the country. Everyone has his own motives, his own reasons, his emotional state. But all these actions do not have any political significance. What do they want to say by sticking in Europe those photos on the garbage can or on the shields at the bus stop? They will not be able to influence the public opinion of Europe in this way. Secondly, by these actions cannot attract attention because, I repeat, in order to influence public opinion in Europe, one must be an influential person in Europe itself. Obviously, in this issue, we are behind, for example, Armenians.

If we compare ourselves with Armenia, our geographic neighbor in the region, we can see this. In fact, Armenia is much weaker than we. It does not have such authority, weight, to influence the public opinion in Europe. However, public opinion in connection with Armenia in Europe is created successfully by Armenians living in Europe or in America. These are scientists, politicians, business people, artists who are respected in the countries of residence. There they have achieved success, their thoughts are given importance, they are listened to. So far, it is not visible that among our diaspora there were such successful people. That is, they are using authority, capable of influencing public opinion. Those who left here for Europe to hold events, do a completely useless thing. Because, I repeat, our emigrants living in Europe, basically, consist of those who belong to the opposition, who just fled the country, who in general, forging documents, settled there. Neither the steps taken by the government, nor the angry actions of discontent conducted there, pickets in the cities of Europe with posters, messages in the Azerbaijani language. To whom are these messages addressed? Why do they do it? I do not think that all this will have political influence. In fact, if the authorities did not spread these measures so much, they would not inflate the issue by using television channels, newspapers, all the means at their disposal, then, for example, today you would not take this interview from me. I am sure of it. And I would not talk about it at all. 5-6 people write something from there, they say, they swear, pictures are stuck somewhere. All this, neither in Europe, nor in Azerbaijan, can have any political influence. However, the fact that the authorities seriously got involved in this matter and started to fuss, leads me to the idea that, apparently, even if these processes are not managed from here, there are still here willing to use them to their advantage, which, in fact, is quite possible.

- Some people from the ruling circles and some representatives of the ruling party, referring to what is happening, say that until now they were not inherent in fighting in such a form that it is not their rhetoric. Some of them even turned to the opposition with the question "Can you say that we once scolded you"? How do you think, how truthful are these statements?

- It is not true. The government has many times abused and insulted- in parliament, on television. But I do not support when a specific group is turned into a target. If to go deeper, then the authorities can say that "after all, you also scolded Heydar Aliyev". But they scolded! And before him Mutallibov was scolded. They scolded Vezirov. This indicates a very low level of our political culture. Unrestraint leads us not only to haste, but also to dependence on our momentary emotions, feelings, desires. That is, when we are angry we say something, and then suffer because of this. In society, on the whole, very few people from opposition or power can control themselves. In this regard, the responsibility of the authorities is higher. Of course, it has resources.

In fact, it should serve as an example. It should not have been involved in these conversations, respond with a curse to swearing. However, it did not do it. From this point of view, the authorities have a great responsibility for the fact that in due time it responded with a scolding to war and thus opened the way for a new squabble. True, I do not claim that if it did not respond swearing, then it would stop. But, in any case, the parties would not have reached these extremes. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that in Azerbaijan the political arena is closed, there is no open political process. It is impossible to gather a large audience that by clear presentation and serious thoughts. For example, when you start a conversation about something important on the air, at least three or four thousand people watch it. A show on the topic "Hey, Khudayar, play us the dance "Vagzali" collects at least 60-70 thousand spectators. It becomes clear that it is one of the indices of lower cultural level of political culture. And this is due not to the presence or absence of interest in political topics, but to a very low level of political culture. Therefore, in these conditions it is not easy to determine who started first. At some stage you just have to take one side and say another side: "You have started first!". But the opponent can argue: "But before that you scolded us!". And the third one will say: "And they scolded me before you." There is an atmosphere of frustration. Suppose the government is scolded because it is corrupt, falsifies elections, conducts political arrests. But in fact, at the same time, those in the government who are not doing all this are scared. And where does aggression come from? After all, there are those who also denigrate us. From this point of view, I want to say, the authorities clearly bear direct responsibility. It must stop all! Do not blame me for blasphemy.

- However, it is also true that television cameras were installed in the apartments of activists and journalists, threatening to disclose their personal lives. Who did all this? Was not this a defamation?

- Of course, from the point of view of political ethics and everyday morality, this is definitely unacceptable. It's immoral! How else can this be called? It is immoral to put in someone"s bedroom or a toilet in a video camera, and then use it as a blackmail. Everybody, from small to adult, know what people do in bed or in the toilet. They show scenes that everyone knows, but no one wants to watch. This they do not give this new content or meaning. Because everyone has a sexual life and physiological needs. At the same time, we do not do all this publicly, in the middle of the street, in public. Because there are general cultural norms. Relying on them, people do it in an intimate atmosphere. In other words, our people, not daring to say the word "toilet", use instead the word "ayag yolu" ("closet"), and you, having installed a camera there, shoot them. It is not right. "Taking advantage of its technical capabilities, the government was only able to do this. Therefore, I say that this is not a matter of confrontation between the authorities and the opposition. This is the general lack of culture of society. A very low level of political culture. There is no red line. We try to clarify this. But we get punches from an unexpected side. Everyone says, I will do that, I will do it. But political culture does not begin with this. It begins with "what I will never do!". First, you must accept this. This is a red line. It is simple to say "I will do this and that." Maybe, suddenly, you will not have the money of time, opportunity. Therefore, you can never be sure what you are going to do. But you should know exactly what you will not do. "Important things are your conscience and your word have promised." You say: "I will not do these things!" We do not yet have such a political culture. No one. We really try to achieve this, but we are not given the opportunity. Authorities are hitting the head, and the old opposition is pulling at the feet. And keeping an endurance, composure, you cause even more irritation. They think: "Why are they so calm?" Probably they have sold themselves. For me, the words about venality are also an insult. It is not necessary to use a street swearing. For us swearing with mentioning genitals is considered as a curse. Although in our political arena at every step there is swearing in the course of insults, slander, a reservation. Let the opposition in this matter does not retire. They, too, are completely bogged down in this. Even at the very top. Together with the authorities they share the responsibility. Someone should first say "Stop!". Someone has to set certain limits for himself, that "even if they scold me, I will not answer abuse." And the government has a much greater responsibility, and precisely because it is power. And the examples shown by us, of course, further intensified this irritation in society. But my approach to the issue is not to find the culprits. I want that in our political arena there are no such things at all.

- What is the reason that it came to the scold? What consequences will this have?

- This is the problem of the system. The political arena was closed down, the media was destroyed, the opposition was bound hand and foot. Arrests, expropriation of property, dismissal from work. All this increases the country's anger and irritation. And this in some form had to come out. When the political arena is open, when political freedoms are in place, then in some form there is a balance between feeling and thought. Even, for example, freedom of assembly is called a demonstration. In fact, if you reconstruct this word, it will reveal the word monster: Demonstration. That is, "de" here means "to destroy". That is, in each of us there is a monster. Even the most highly cultured person can come to the head with the lowest and immoral thought. Even in the most cultured person, there are, at least, instinct-driven needs and passions. A cultured person is not deprived of all this. A cultured person is one that can curb them, as well as cultural organizations, cultural societies. All this is due to finding a balance between feelings and thoughts. And the benefit of demonstrations is that people who are dissatisfied with something, periodically go to this action, kill, destroy, in a cultural form, releases this monster in themselves. Whether we demand a resignation, legal reforms, a new law, whether we protest, waving flags or balls, shouting slogans or slogans, there is no difference. You see how in Europe people are culturally liberated from that inner feeling. Now how will the authorities use the demonstration or the opposition? To do this, there are cultural ways. In the Milli Majlis, a debate will begin, someone will say that people are really unhappy, let's change some laws, and so on. But when the political scene is closed, and no one can release the monster outside, it consumes them from within. And brings to this state the whole society. That is, this is the problem of the system.

-You mean that our society will gradually degrade?

-Yes. It will become angry. Such people will become very fierce. And all this will accumulate in people. And this in some form will splash out. Perhaps even the abuse is not the worst form of them.

- And what should be done to change this situation? Where is the way out?

-Political reforms. First of all, it is necessary to grant freedom to television, courts. Democratic elections should be held in parliament, in municipalities. It is necessary to give economic freedom. All this will allow to occupy people, and also will give them an opportunity to settle their lives, to earn daily bread. Who wants will say his word. People will start to dissuade each other: "Do not do this." For example, the traffic rules. Notice how the road culture has changed for the better. The people are the same. The people have not changed. The rules are the same. And what has become different? Yes, a certain administrative practice was formed. Fines, technical infrastructure, cameras. That is, since it has become an open process, people are already observing rules. The drivers, who yesterday considered it beneath their dignity to use a seat belt, now happily put on it, give way to pedestrians. They do not give signal behind, pedestrians calmly cross the road. And road culture is one of the most complex cultures. Now think about the parliamentary culture. Here really worthy people should be selected. And they know that they will want to be elected again, that the voter will follow their speeches. If their colleague, elected according to the party list, commits an offense, they will raise his question in the party, pointing out his uncivilized behavior in the parliament: "We nominated your candidacy from the party, and you disgrace our party." There will be factions. They will turn each other away. Journalists, when they come, will ask difficult questions. The deputy will be able to give a rebuff to the minister. That is, the same balance will be found in society. In the form of freedom. Since there is no balance here, then anger, irritability, and rage subsequently receive this form.

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