
-Gubad bey, a report of the international transparency organization ​placed Azerbaijan 152 among 180 countries in 2018. What were significant factors to play their role in the ranking?

-Analysts insist that Azerbaijan"s stand in the Index was expected stemming logically from scales of corruption since 2017, especially after the unmasking of top corruptionits. In fact, the Index aggravation in Azerbaijan goes back to 2014 due to the distressful situation of civil society of the country.

It must be said that this factor has an influence upon rise in corruption and inversely blunts the effectiveness of struggle against the corruption. Commencing from 2014 the civil society of Azerbaijan has lost an opportunity to carry out independent activities. There are presently government-favored and budget-financed civil society institutions that operate in the defined limits only. At the same time it is smothering of free press and arrests of journalists and bloggers that had its impact on the corruption rating of the country.

One of the major factors of Azerbaijan"s deteriorated status in the Index are restrictions imposed on activities of civil society and free press. Another important factor is the corruption in the judicial authority, lack of independent judiciary, unfair verdict, etc.

It is worth pointing out that the judicial authority of the country was to inquiry into articles from local and foreign press, especially as the international press published a lot of reports about money laundering and lobby activity financing in Azerbaijan.

Regretfully, no facts of this sort have so far been investigated for lack of independent judiciary, justice and law in Azerbaijan. I think these facts to be principal in aggravating Azerbaijan"s position in the Index. Affecting the Index were identified corruption facts, unmasking of functionaries, debates over the issue at the European institutions. All the facts are illustrative that the corruption reached its peak not only in the country but at the global level as well.

Another reason of Index aggravation on Azerbaijan is an imitation of struggle against the corruption both at the level of political power and pro-governmental press and NGOs. Reports and statements of imitative naturegive grounds to insist that all allegations to fight the corruption are not properly reasoned.

The facts mentioned above are one of the factors influencing the growth of corruption. Another factor influencing the Index evaluation is the closure of the office of the International Transparency Organization and, hence, the lack of opportunity to act properly and discuss topical issues.

-What do you think, where is the corruption most spread?

-Added to this can be that the corruption in Azerbaijan is mostly of political nature. It is a sort of endemia where principal components are made of corruption as observed in the management. As a matter of fact, the corruption is divided into two parts - political and domestic. The most common types of political corruption in Azerbaijan are thefts of public funds, ineffective use of petroleum currency, lack of transparency and accountability, etc. Corruption is to be searched where public finds are mostly allocated to.

At present, this includes largely the construction infrastructure, education and public health directly involved in population services.

-It has been declared at the state level that a serious struggle is being waged against the corruption in the country. The responsible structures are the Anti-corruption Department and Corruption Control Commission, hot lines, etc. Besides, rumors proliferate that persons informing about corruption facts will be awarded. Why does the level of corruption remain to be high in the country?

-An activity of this sort lassts for long. A state-led struggle against the corruption is accompanied by arrests of low level functionaries only but in fact this struggle is not a mere arrest of corruptionists. Even arrests of tens corruptionists do not mean that that struggle is waged against the corruption. The problem is that there is not a legal platform to oppose the corruption. Functionaries decline from filling in a declaration on income though there is a respective law whose mechanism is still deficient. The parliament is still to discuss a law on prevention of conflict of interests; also, no code of competition has so far been adopted.

On the other hand, there is no legislation in Azerbaijan to protect corruption informants. To remedy the situation, it is essential to show political will. In the first turn, it is the head of the state to give a lead on this track and to set his mind on fighting against corruption. It is understood that the political will is needed here.

-What is the country"s most corruption affected area?

-It should be added that a high level of corruption causes harm to the country"s prestige and image, worsens a credit rating of Azerbaijan and discourages influx of investments. At the same time it favors outflow of investments from the country.It must be said that a high level of corruption affects other indices as well, aggravates WB management index, has sway over otherv indices. It is quite probable that a high level of corruption and resultant deterioration of Azerbaijan"s stand in the Corruption Perceptions Index will be accompanied by aggravation of country"s stance in various reports and ratings of a number of international organizations.

It is worth pointing out that corruption leads to population"s impoverishment, stratification of society, ineffective spending of public budget and poses threats to the national security. One must allow that corruption corrodes all areas, even paralyzes and renders the economy and social system inoperable.

-What steps are required to succeed in fighting corruption?

-For this to happen, it is imperative to ensure the judicial independence. For this to happen, it is essential to ensure the judicial independence, to restore a status-quo of civil society till 2014, as well as a status quo of free press till 2010. Also, it is important to create an improved legal base to fight corruption, including the declaration of income and property.

It has to be kept in mind that top officials, President and his family must declare their income and property. This refers not only to President but other top officials as well.

It should be remembered that the declaration on income and property has to be developed as a significant document. On the other hand, it is essential to adopt an appropriate law and a code on competition. Also, it is necessary to ensure protection of corruption informants; exercise tight control over moral code and enhance public participation. It is crucial to strengthen transparency and budgetary accountability; to raise a social audit by citizens. For this to happen it is essential to create special mechanisms and bases. In doing so, the authorities are likely to achieve a breakthrough in the struggle against corruption once the whole society is engaged in the process.

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