ADA students take on developing innovative ideas under the "Idea Incubation Program" of Azercell!

20 teams aspiring to set up their startups passed the registration 

The "Idea Incubation Program" initiated by "Azercell Teleс om" LLC in cooperation with ADA University Foundation (Azerbaijan) and ADA University has finalized the selection phase. 20 teams striving to develop their innovative ideas and take them to the next level to build a startup under the program have completed registration.

Within the framework of the "Idea Incubation Program", students will participate in mentoring sessions, and seminars of local and foreign experts, and start working on selected topics with professional mentors. Nargiz Taghizadeh, the Product Management section manager of Azercell, Svetlana Agalarova, the Digital Solution & Partnership section manager of the company, Zaur Huseynov, the Data Science Management section manager, and Nureddin Sadili, the teacher of Computer Science Department, Faculty of Engineering at ADA University, have joined the program as mentors. Sessions will be conducted on topics, such as “Business diversification strategy: Azercell's new Fintech business stream”, "Edutech/Sporttech solutions", "Customer churn detection", "Formation of startup mindset", "IT Project management", "MVP development", "Successful startup" and “Preparation of presentations". Dedicated mentors will greatly enhance the experience of teams and increase their chances of turning their ideas into real products or even businesses.

The winning teams will receive a cash prize at the end of the program and have a chance to take an internship at Azercell.

Azercell supports young talents in the development of the country's startup ecosystem and offers them ample opportunities to succeed as entrepreneurs. ®

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