Arson in Apartments of Editor of Tazadlar

On the night of March 15, unknown persons attempted arson in the apartments of the editor of Tazadlar Asif Marzili.

Around 3 a.m. unknown people poured petrol and set fire to the door of the apartment at the address Taghizadeh Street, block 11/15, apt. 34. "However, it was noticed by a neighbor from the fifth floor, who immediately reported to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and woke us up. Together, we were able to prevent a large fire, but about 6 square meters of the apartment still burned," Marzili told Turan.

The editor is sure that it was in retaliation for his critical publications, but he did not specify the matter.

The Khatai local police instituted criminal proceedings. The District Prosecutor received the editor and listened to him.

"Recently, we published citizens' complaints and conducted the investigation in respect of a number of influential persons, one of whom filed a lawsuit against us. Therefore, we suspect certain people of what happened," Marzili said, without naming specific names.

Tazadlar is not a popular or influential publication, and it is published irregularly and in small editions. -03B-

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