At the trial in the case of Mammadli the judge and prosecutor felt bad

The final word which the prosecutor in the trial of the head of the Election Monitoring Center and Democracy Studies Center (EMDSC) Anar Mammadov and two other activists – Bashir Suleymanli and Elnur Mammadov was interrupted. The reason became rapid deterioration of the prosecutor Anar Tariverdiyev. The trial scheduled for 14:00 began an hour later. The hall met Mammadov with applause, when he was brought with the escort. Then began the sentencing. First, however, it the judge Shaker Mamedov felt bad, and the presiding judge Rauf Aliyev announced a five-minute break.  Then  the  reading  of the accusations continued, but was interrupted when the prosecutor said that his blood pressure lowered, and he asked for the adjournment. After the break, the judge Rauf Aliyev announced that prosecutor has serious health problems, and the verdict was postponed to May 21.

The head of the EMDS Anar Mammadov, Executive Director of the NGO, Bashir Suleymanli, and the head of the Public Association for International Cooperation of Volunteers, Elnur Mammadov, are  charged under the Criminal Code 5 - tax evasion , illegal business , abuse of office , embezzlement on a large scale, and official forgery. A criminal case was opened at the end of October 2013.  Mammedli December 17 was taken into custody, and two others are under house arrest.

Amnesty International recognized  Mammedli  a "prisoner of conscience." -16D-

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