Azerbaijan ranks the last on the index of media freedom

Baku/03.09.13/Turan : Journalistic organization Yeni Nasıl published Index of media freedom in the framework of the project "Monitoring of freedom of speech in the East Region of the European Neighborhood Policy." The index is based on expert surveys , which involved human rights activists , social scientists , public figures and journalists having a five year experience in their fields, and are not represented in state agencies and political organizations.

The poll was conducted  on June 22-25. The situation on the block "Politics" was determined  on the basis of  eight criteria (legal framework on freedom of the media.)

In the block "Practice" rating is given on 37 criteria (murder, beating, kidnapping, detention, harassment and intimidation of media personnel, not punishing  people who committed illegal acts against journalists.)

In  the broadcasting block the  situation  was evaluated according to 5 criteria (independence of public and private broadcasters, the role of the regulatory body, pluralism in the air, the concept of the digital switchover.)

Evaluation in the field of Internet and new media are also given on 5 criteria (rules restricting the freedom of the Internet , the availability of regulatory authorities , the persecution of bloggers and active users of social networks, a monopoly in the area of ​​Internet services, limited access to sources of information on the Internet, the terms of the use of the Internet.)

The final index was compiled by adding up the points in the blocks (total of 55 criteria.) Index 1, the lowest included scores from 0 to 250, the index 7 is the highest (from 1360 to 1650.) 

The country’s eastern region of the European Neighborhood Policy is as follows:

Georgia1222 (points)6 (points)


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