Baku-Gabala trains will run in both directions on Saturdays and weekends

Baku-Gabala trains will run in both directions on Saturdays and weekends

From 25 May Baku-Gabala trains will run in both directions on Saturdays and Sundays. This is reported by "Azerbaijan Railways" CJSC.

The trains will depart from Baku railway station at 07:30, and from Gabala railway station at 19:00.
Earlier, trains from Baku to Gabala departed in the morning on Saturday, and from Gabala to the capital - in the evening on Sunday.

Besides, from 25 May an additional weekend service will be introduced on Baku-Agstafa-Baku route.

Trains will depart from Baku on Saturdays at 09:15, and from Akstafa on Sunday at 15:00.

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