Opening of the largest car parks under the "Winter Boulevard" was costly not only to drivers but also to car parking controllers.
Since July 30, hundreds of parking controllers working in the heart of the capital have been taken to the local police station, where they were told about the "illegal activity." Moreover, many of them were fined and warned that they must not do the job anymore.
This morning in the streets of the capital the number of parking controllers significantly diminished and the police are "chasing" motorists from the main streets, not allowing their parking. On a number of streets parking is permitted only along the traffic.
Note that on the streets of the capital a few thousand controllers of parking lots worked, whose earnings came from the tips paid by motorists. One of the controllers told Turan that behind every street there is a fixed "supervisor" - a person who collects the daily tribute. The size of the tribute from every street ranges from 10 to 30 manats. No one knows where this untaxed cash flow goes.
It is difficult to say what will be the fate of controllers of parking lots, as well as the new sites.
Motorists are angered by the high price of parking – 3 to 4 manats per day - and ignore underground parking lots. They continue to park their cars in the streets. At the same time, hundreds of parking controllers have been deprived of income. -03B-
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