"Chernobyl pension" in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has established "Chernobyl pension ." According to the Decree of the President, on April 1, a premium of 60 manats will be received by 14 620 liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster April 26, 1986 .

All of them are the first group of disabled people suffering from radiation sickness. The document envisages social disability group I in connection with the common disease , a disease in the period of military service, employment injury and occupational disease , as well as stay in the army during the liquidation of the accident at the nuclear power plant.

Earlier this category of citizens received social benefits of 67 manats , now they will receive 137 manats, which will cost the state budget of 10.5 million manat per year.

Recall a few days earlier were increased pensions for war invalids, 11 821 people.

Since April 1, disabled veterans group I will get 150 manats , disabled group II - 130 manats , disabled group III - 100 manats . Annual spending from the budget will amount to 6.2 million manat. -17D-

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