Forecasters predict precipitation on Sunday

Forecasters predict precipitation on Sunday

Variable cloudiness is expected in Baku and Apsheron peninsula on Sunday, 5 May, with some precipitation possible in the morning and evening.

Moderate south wind will be replaced by north-west wind. Air temperature will be +11 +14° at night and +17 +21° during the day, the National Hydrometeorological Service reports.

Rain is expected in some areas of Azerbaijan, in some places precipitation will be intense, thunderstorms and hail are possible, there is a possibility of wet snow in the highlands. Fog is expected at night and in the morning in some areas, west wind will blow.

Air temperature will be +10 +15° at night and +20 +25° during the day.

In the mountains it is expected +3 +7° at night and +7 +12° during the day.

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