IRFS calls on the CE react to condemnation and I.Mamedov T.agublu

Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety (IRFS) strongly condemned the court decision  on imprisonment  the head of REAL Movement  ( “Republican Alternative") and deputy chairman of the party "Musavat" Tofig Yagublu .

"The imprisonment  of Ilgar Mamedov and Tofig Yagublu  has caused another damage  to Azerbaijan on the eve of the country's chairmanship  in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe," reads the IRFS  statement.

On March 17 Sheki Serious Crimes Court found  Mamedov and Yagublu guilty of organizing riots in Ismailly, and sentenced  them to seven and five years' imprisonment.
IRFS calls on the Court of Appeal to reverse the verdict, and release Mamedov and Yagublu.
IRFS calls on the Council of Europe and the States members of the organization do not remain indifferent to the  human rights situation in Azerbaijan, and condemned the gross and systematic violations of human rights.

PACE should take a tougher position against states that do not perform their obligations in the field of human rights. If states disregard their obligations and CE closes eyes on it , the organization is losing respect and credibility, the statement  reads. —06D-

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