KZGO Requires Public Control over Investigation into Murder of Journalist

The Committee to Protect Civil Society (KZGO – local abbreviation – Ed.) today discussed the situation around the murder of the journalist Rasim Aliyev. A member of KZGO Arzu Abdullayeva told Turan the Committee acknowledged as a positive step the arrest of the footballer Javid Huseynov and other culprits.

However, KZGO requires the establishment of public scrutiny of the investigation.

The Committee also intends to urge the Prison Service to take action in connection with the attack in Prison No 2 on the leader of the movement REAL Ilgar Mamedov and punish those responsible.

KZGO also condemned the imprisonment in solitary confinement of the NIDA activist Mamed Azizov, as well as dismissal of the father of another activist of this movement, political prisoner Ilkin Rustamzadeh, from his work at the railway department.

It was decided to refer to the institutions of civil society to provide financial assistance to the Rustamzadeh family.

KZGO also expressed the lack of progress on the issue of lifting the ban on leaving the country for the journalist Aynur Imranova that cannot go to Turkey for a complicated surgery because of that.

KZGO also angrily condemned the sentence of long-term imprisonment for the human rights defender Leila Yunus and her husband Arif Yunus.

** KZGO was established in 2009. At that time it included about 100 independent NGOs. Currently, KZGO actively involves about 20 activists. -05C06-

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