Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

The likelihood of an increase in food prices, the number of students and teachers infected with the coronavirus, the cost of a funeral in Baku and other topics are in the focus of today's media.

The Oxu.az website examines the reasons for the rise in food prices. The rise in food prices is linked to the global rise in food prices and the weakening US dollar, according to the report released by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

The COVID-19 pandemic also contributed to the 5% increase in food products. In particular, the prices for vegetable oils, sugar and dairy products have increased, and the prices for grain products in the world are breaking records.

As noted in the report of the above-mentioned UN structure, world food prices continue to rise for the third month in a row due to high demand and the weakening USD.

Taking into account the fact that Azerbaijan imports some types of food products, the rise in prices will also be reflected in the local market.

The website Bizimyol.info reports that as of September 21, 95 students and 26 staff members had COVID-19 confirmed. Most of these students did not attend mainstream schools because they are in high school. To date, only one school in the country has been closed due to coronavirus infection. This is a secondary school in the village of Gamgam, Guba region, where the coronavirus was detected in 8 teachers, the publication says.

The Redaktor.az website considers the topic of the high cost of funeral services. “Unfortunately, the sale of graves in cemeteries is not carried out in accordance with the law. The price of a grave is often higher than the state duty,” deputy Azer Badamov said.

According to the deputy, according to the new decision approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on December 4, 2018, municipalities are responsible for the cemeteries.

“Currently, there are 100 cemeteries in Baku. The cost of a grave is estimated at 79 manats. However, in Baku it is sold for at least 1,000 manats,” the parliamentarian said.

He believes that when faced with such facts, citizens should apply to the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the General Prosecutor's Office. This is also a form of public control.

The Cemetery Act defines a uniform form for gravestones, but this is not enforced. The law states that tombstones have a uniform standard shape and size. In Europe and other developed countries, all tombstones have the same standard shape and size.


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