Media Review July 4, 2019

Discussion of the reasons for the success of Azerbaijan, problems with the implementation of the presidential decree, and the rise in prices of a number of products and services are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the numerous successes of the country, the cause of which in socio-economic projects, reforms, and the unity of the people and government.

The author recalls the latest decrees and orders in the social sphere. The tension in the world is growing; therefore, Azerbaijan should protect itself against risks. As far as stability in the country is concerned, its people are the guarantor.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat writes that construction companies and housing cooperatives create obstacles in the implementation of presidential decrees. The newspaper discusses the issue with expert Ramil Osmanly, recalling that the decree on the commissioning of multi-storey buildings was signed by the head of state on February 19 of this year.

The Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture allowed the operation of 59 buildings, but there are about 400 of these new buildings.

The article says that the commissioning process is too slow. At the same time, 200 buildings do not meet the fire safety rules, in 350 buildings there are problems of a different nature - either the company that built the building was eliminated or the building owners died. There are no elevators in 41 buildings.

The website writes about the price increase that has turned into an uncontrollable process. Onions, potatoes, cabbages, eggs and several services rose sharply. This greatly affects the standard of living. The article provides specific figures on prices.

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